~Chapter 1~

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A.N: Don't mind the Spanish, I'm not Spanish myself so I had to use Google translate. So if some words aren't right, I'm sorry.😊

Chapter 1~ 6 Greek Gods

"Come on just this once. It will be fun." My best friend Cleo practically whines.

"No I'm not going." I said sternly as I put my books away in my locker.

You're probably wondering why my best friend is whining about something.

Halloween party.

Every year there is a Halloween party at my school. I never go there even though this is my first year back to my old school.

About 2 year ago I moved back to the country where I was born.


It's a lovely country and all, but I had a life here and I had to leave a lot of people, like my best friend Cleo. She's been there for me my whole life. My parents and hers where friends before we where born. Ever since we where in diapers we where best friends, it just clicked the moment we saw each other.

This year I moved back to my old school after being in Spain for one and a half year. This year when I came back Cleo had made two more friends while I was away. I don't blame her of course. I mean, I was in Spain so she had to make new friends.

We moved back here because of my fathers work. When I came back Cleo was different. She was more popular and was quite a player if you ask me. The longest relationship she has was two weeks.

I mean every boy practically falls for her the moment they see her. She's pretty and funny. And we can't forget that she's rich of course.

The first day I came back to my old school Cleo introduced me to her two new friends. Amy and Jack. They where really nice and ever since that day I've been in there little friend group.

While Cleo is more energetic and a party girl, is Amy more a shy and staying at home girl. It's funny to see how different they both are but they click well so that's nice to see.

And then we have Jack. He's the Drama Queen of our group. He always knows how to gossip about things and he knows everyone.

Cleopatra and Jack are quite popular so that makes Amy and I also a little popular. Everyone knows Cleo by her body and her bodycounts and they know Jack as he's not bad looking and on top of the class from the subject 'Drama'. They both have boys and girl staring at them everywhere they go. It's pretty funny to see actually.

I mean if I wasn't there friends I would most likely do the sa-

"Hello~" A voice said pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Is she dead?" A voice said who belonged to the one and only Jack Anderson.

"I'm not dead." I said rolling my eyes and shut my locker.

"You will be if you won't come to the Halloween party." Cleo narrows her eyes at me as her arms are crossed in front of her chest.

"She's still onto that Helloween party?" Jack asked me unbelievably.

"Yup." I said popping out the 'p'.

"Jeez Cleo. You're more likely going to scare Isabel away than that she's going to that party." He said making Cleo roll her eyes at him. "But seriously you have to come." He says turning to me.

"Really Jack? I thought that you where on my side." I said whining.

"Don't be such a baby. Just come to the party it'll be fun. I promise." Jack said in a serious tone.

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