~Chapter 14~ 🥵

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Chapter 14~ 🥵

I giggle as I leave his room to go down stairs. There's still no one home so I freely walk to where I left my bag. As soon as I found my bag I ran back upstairs. I walk over to Ares's room and open the door only to stumble into a hard chest.

"Oops sorry." I said rubbing my forehead as I look into the two brown eyes I love so much.

"No worries love." He said smirking.

"Come on let's go study." I said walking past him into the room. I sit down on the edge of his bed while he sits behind me against the headboard.

I look through my books trying to find my chemistry book. I swear I've packet it. I frantically look through my bag, packing everything back out trying to find that damn book.

"What is it love?" Ares asked me confused as his pushed himself of the headboard looking at me.

"I can't find my chemistry book." I said with a groan and let myself fall on my back. I look up only to see that I'm very close to his dick. My cheeks get red and I look up to see Ares looking down at me with a smirk.

"You know you make me hard by being so close to my dick?" He said raising his eyebrows.

"You want me to do something about it?" I said smirking up at him as I took a quick glance at his slightly hardened dick.

"I thought we where going to study." He said shocked at my offer.

"Well I can't find my chemistry book. But we can make some chemistry." I said cheeky with a wink.

"Real clever Lopez." He said smirking down at me.

"Mh I know Querido." I said with a smirk and turned around on my stomach.

I took him by surprise as I kissed on top of his tent. He groaned at the sudden action making shiver down my body. I kissed my way up to his neck until I stil on his lap.

"Isabella." He breathed out as I found his sweet spot again.

My hands find there way under his shirt feeling his abs under my hands. He tensed up under my hand making me grin. His large tattooed hand goes to the back of my head gripping my hair tight. I push his shirt up and pulled it off over his head leaving him exposed for me.

I pull away from his neck and look him in the eyes. My eyes travel down his body and stop at his abs. I bit my lip staring at his body.

"No I know why they call you like that." I said looking back up at his eyes seeing him smirk.

"Call me what kitten." He said smirking down at me.

"A Greek god." I said inching closer to his lips.

"Mh. Why's that love?" He said against my lips.

"Cause you're hot as fuck." I said grinning and closed the gap between our lips.

I feel his hardened dick against my thigh making me smirk. he bit my bottom lip asking for entrance which I gave him. His tongue slipped into my mouth and we fought for dominance. He sadly won and took control over my mouth. I moan as I feel his hard dick against my clothed pussy.

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