~Chapter 6~

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Chapter 6~ Sweetcakes

~Isabella's P.O.V~

I was in Math with Cleo, Jack and Amy and we where talking about the party that went on yesterday. Apparently the cops came and some where arrested for underage drinking or doing drugs. I wasn't at that party but Cloe was.

One guy from our football team has been arrested for underage drinking and the others had been suspended by our principal.

"It was crazy! I had to run away for my live while being drunk! Running away from cops and being drunk isn't a good combination." Cleo said as she explained the situation of the cops and the party.

"No shit Cleo." I said rolling my eyes while trying to pay attention to the teacher.

"Oh shut it Isabel." Cleo said grumpy.

I just chuckle and turn back to the teacher. Mrs. Winston was interrupted by a phone ringing.

"Mhm. Yes. Okay. Bye." Is all I heard her say. "Miss Lopez, the principal wants you to come to his office." She said getting my full attention.

"Okay." I said simply and put everything in my bag.

"Good luck." Said Jack and I give a friendly smile in return.

"Stay save."

"Stay alive please." Said Amy making me chuckle.

"Of course." I said and walk out of my class.

I'm not nervous nor am I exited. It couldn't be from the accident that happened yesterday with his daughter and I right? I mean he should've called me to his office yesterday.

I quickly walk to the principal's office and when I'm finally there I twist the golden door handle and push it open. There stood 3 tall figures in the room. One was leaning against the wall with a phone in there hand. One was leaning against the principals desk with there arms crossed in front of there chest. And the last one had his back turned to me while standing in front of the principal's desk.

When the door closes behind me all there heads snap to my direction. I gulp as I see two boys who looked exactly the same and I saw Ares looking at me.

"Mrs. Lopez, good if you to join us." The principal said, nervous?

"Yeah well I didn't had a choice now did i?" I said sarcastic as I walked to the principals desk and sat in the leather chair that was placed in front of the desk.

"Do you know why you're here?" The principal asked me while the three boys all stared at me.

"Well I would assume it was because of what happened yesterday but since there are three boys here and no daughter that wouldn't be the case." I said while looking him straight in the eyes.

Back in the days believe it or not I've been a lot in this room.

"Incident? What are you talking about?" Principal asked me confused written on his face.

"Oh you haven't heard? You're daughter has gone nuts yesterday. She screamed and ran after me." I said getting flashbacks from her screaming and running after me.

"Okay. Well I will call her to my office then." He said ignoring the fact that there where already three boys here.

He picked up the phone and started calling to a teacher. A minute later Aurora bursts through the doors.

"What is it daddy?" She asked before she looked up and her eyes where filled with hatred as she saw me. "What is she doing here?" She asked angry and then she locked eyes with ares and it seemed like she was a whole another person. "Oh hello babe I didn't see you here." She said with a flirty voice and walked up to him and caressed his shoulder with her hand while biting her lip.

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