~Chapter 5~

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Chaoter 5~ Bad Grades

~Ares's P.O.V~

"I will show you one day how kinky I can be, princess." I whisper in her ear.

I pull away from her and looked down at her to see that her cheeks slightly darkened and her eyes widened. I smirk and shove my hands in the front pockets of my jeans.

See you soon, princess." I said and winked at her.

She stayed silent and I turned around and walked back to my table. I loved seeing her sitting there looking so fragile on the outside but on the inside. Boy she's surely a killer.

She's like a kitten. She looks innocent and cute on the outside but is very unpredictable and can scratch and bite you out of nowhere.


I am now seated at my dinner table with my parents and two older brothers. There twins and look very alike. They both have black straight hair and and blue eyes. They wear black jeans with a white T-shirt and a leather jacket with a skull imprinted on the back with there names also written on it since no one can keep them apart.

"So how was school today son?" My dad asked.

I looked up to see him looking at me so I answer his question.


"Have you learned anything new?"

"Nope." I said popping out the 'p' and shove a peace of stake in my mouth.

"And you guys. How was today?" Dad asked my brother.



"You're dad and I wanted to tell you guys something." My mom said stopping my brothers and I in our tracks.

"You're not pregnant are you?" We all ask at the same time.

"No, no." She said chuckling while shaking her head. "We decided that you guys are getting a tutor." She said making me choke on my piece of steak.

"What why?!" One of my older brothers 'Atlas' asked my mum.

"Because you're grades are bad and you will not graduate with these grades." She said sternly.

"Who is gonna be our tutor?" I asked her after I recovered from my choking accident.

"Yeah no one can handle us. They either want sex with us or they are to scared to even say shit to us." My other older brother 'Achilles' said.

"We will find someone." My dad said.

Isabella immediately popped up in my head. She's smart and isn't scared to talk to me.

"I think I know someone." I said making them look at me.

"What's there name?" My mom asked me.

"Isabell Lopez. She goes to my school." I said putting another piece of food in my mouth.

"How do you know she's not scared of us?" Achilles and Atlas asked at the same time.

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