~Chapter 13~

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Chapter 13~ Boys

As I'm putting my books away in my locker I feel someone standing behind me. I turn my head around and see Trent standing there. I roll my eyes and turn back to my locker finishing with putting my books away. Trent clears his throat behind me trying to get my attention but I just ignore him and put some books in my bag that I need for later today.

"Isabella." Trent said annoyed.

I shut my locket and turn around. "What?" I asked annoyed.

His face was covered in bruises. He had a cut on his lip, forehead and cheekbone. His left eye was blue and swollen. I try to hide my smirk as I see how much damage Ares did to this boys face.

"I-" before he could even finish he was cut off by a deep familiar voice.

"What are you doing here?" Ares asked in anger.

As soon as I hear his deep voice butterflies start to fill my stomach. For some reason I got nervous and played with one of my silver rings.

Trent took a step back and puts his hands up in surrender.

"Look man, I just wanted to say sorry to her." Trent said looking at me with hungry eyes making me want to puke.

"Stop looking at her like that." Ares said with his hands balled up in fists.

"Like what?" Trent questioned and turned his gaze back to Ares.

"Like you want to fuck her." Ares said gritting his teeth trying to control his anger.

"Maybe I want to." Trent said with a smug face suddenly having a lotttt of confidence.

This is not going to end up well.

"Say that one more fucking time and Isabel won't be there to stop me from killing you." Ares said getting into Trent's face.

"M-maybe I want to fuck her." Trent stuttered suddenly not having so much confidence.

"You fucking bastard!" Ares said lunching to him but I quickly stood between him and Trent.

"Ares no." I said sternly as I put my hand on his chest trying to calm him down.

"Isabel get the fuck out of my way." Ares said still looking at him with hatred in his eyes.

At this time people started to stare at us in the hallway.

"No." I said standing my ground.

"Isabel. Go." Ares warned.

"Yes Isabel go." Trent said with a smirk.

Man he's getting on my fucking nerves!

"What was that?" I question in anger and I take my hand off Ares's chest who was still angry but didn't lunched at Trent wanting to see how this ended.

"I said you should go." Trent said making me turn around to fully look at him.

"I think you should shut the fuck up!" I said in anger and took a step forward.

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