~Chapter 19~

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Chapter 19~

It was the next day and in a few minutes I get to talk to everyone. A buzzer was heard and the door in front of me was opened. the officer behind me pushed me through the door and I was checked if I didn't had anything on me.

The man behind me guided me towards a table where my dad, Cloe and Ares where sitting at. They gave me a smile happy to see me while I gave them a little smile. I waited for the man behind me to take of my handcuffs before sitting down rubbing my wrist trying to make the pain less.

"Hey." I said with a little smile.

"Hola flor."
(Hello flower."


"Hey princess."

My heart flutters at the nickname Ares gave me. God I missed his voice, his eyes, his nicknames. I missed him.

There weren't a lot of prisoners that got guests so it was really quiet in the room we where in.

"How are you all doing?" I said breaking the silence.

"We're good. How are you doing? Everything alright." Cloe asked me worried.

"Yeah it's alright here. My cell mate is nice. We have something in common so that's good. Uhm the food here is disgusting though." I said with a grin making them laugh.

"You're grandpa told me all the time. He said that you'll get used to it." My dad said smiling at me.

"I know. I spoke to him this morning. Along with Auntie Maria and Destiny. They where very happy to see me. They where just not really happy to see me here you know. They where surprised." I said chuckling a bit.

"I get that. I mean you're the youngest in our family that is and went to prison." My dad said sadly.

"I know papà. But it'll be okay. It's just 10 years so I'll manage." I said with a small smile.

"But its still 10 years Isabella." Ares said softly giving me a sad look.

"I know Querido." I said giving him a sad smile. "I'll survive." I said as I fought myself to not grab his hand in mine since I wasn't allowed to touch anyone. "How are Amy and Jack doing?" I asked Cloe.

"There alright. Amy is still a little shocked while Jack is angry. He threatened to hurt the judge." She said chuckling a bit.

"Typical Jack." I said shaking my head with a smile. "How are the boys doing?" I asked Ares.

"There alright. Theo is angry though. It's scary. Andrès is more quiet then he normally is. Kenji is still making jokes so that's good. Damian got into a lot of fights lately and Dustin is jus throw he normally is." He said with a shrug.

"And how are you doing?" I asked carefully.

"I'm angry. You didn't deserved this Isabella. You knew what you wanted to do. You knew to what college you wanted to go to. You had plans Isabella en there all ruined now." He said angry but tears formed into his eyes.

"I know Querido, I know. But it'll be all okay. That bitch deserved what he got and that was my plan. I'm okay here. I have family here and my cell mate is nice. Surprisingly there all nice to me, probably cause they know who my family is but that's not the point. I'll be alright here." I said with a smile trying to reassure him.

"Ares. She'll be alright. It's a Lopez for gods sake. The Lopez family is a strong family." My dad said putting a hand on Ares's shoulder.

"Yeah. I guess you're right." He said still a little unsure.

"Papà how are you doing?" I asked worried.

"I'm okay flor. I got a lot better. I'm slowly working my way up to where I can do things on my own but for now Cloe is helping me." Dad said with a grin and pulled Cloe closer with an arm around her shoulder.

"I'm glad. Thank you Cloe. Really. I don't know how I will repay you." I said with a smile.

"I know how you can repay me. Get out of fucking prison you bitch. When you do so. We can get ice cream and go shopping. That'll be okay." She said with a grin but sternly face.

"Alright deal. I'll do my best." I said with a smile.

"Good." She said back with a grin.

"Shall we go Cloe? Let's give Ares and Isabella some time alone." My dad said and got up.

"Yes ofcourse. See ya next week Isabella." Cloe said with a wave.

"Bye. Thanks for visiting me." I said smiling at them.

"Ofcourse. Bye flor." My dad said with a small wave before walking away so it was now Ares and me.

"I think I'll just start."I said making him a bit worried and curious at the same time.

"Okay. Start." He said a little unsure.

"The last weeks has been amazing for me. You have been amazing to me, we had a great time, really. And I missed you so much Ares even if it just had been a few day. I missed you're laugh, you're smile, you're eyes. I missed you. But the hard thing is is that I can't do this." I said looking down at my hands.

"Do what Isabella?" He asked me worried.

"I can't life with myself knowing that you'll be waiting out there for me." I said looking up.

"But I don't mind waiting for you. I'll wait a thousand years for you Isabella if I have to. When you get out of prison we can go on seeing what we will do next." He said with a soft smile.

"No. I can't do it. I want you to not come back anymore. I want you to find a beautiful and sweet woman. Make her you're wife. Start a beautiful family. Go to collage. Do the things you wanna do. Jus don't wait for me. Live you're life. Don't hold back. Please. Just do it for me." I said desperately.

"What? No I can't do that Isabel." He said with tears forming in his eyes. "You and me are ment to be together. We are one." He said with tears rolling down his eyes as I have some of my own.

"I know. But there will be someone else out there for you Ares. I just know. Please don't come back here. Live you're life for me." I said pleading.

"I- I can't." He said shaking his head as he sobs.

"Yes you can. Go do the things you love. Go hang out with you're friends. Go to the places you wanted to go to." I said with a soft smile.

"But I wanted to do all those things with you Isabella." He said crying.

"I know. But you can't. I'm in here for 10 years. You can sent me cards of the places just don't come here again. Please. Find a girl that you'll love the same way you loved me. Please Ares." I said begging him.

"Okay. I'll try for you. But I'll miss you." He said tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I'll miss you to. Now go. Go live." I said with a smile and he stood up.

"Bye Lopez." He said wiping his tears away.

"Bye grumpy." I said with a small wave and smile as he turned around and walked out of the room.

"I'm done." I said and stood up putting my hands behind my back.

"Let go then." The officer said and cuffed me again.

I'll miss you Ares....

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