~Chapter 9~

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Chapter 9~

~Ares's P.O.V~

"Mh. I think you should have you're own restaurant. I can work for you. It would be fun." Isabel said with a grin.

I stare at her while she is chatting and laughing with my family. They really like her and it's not easy- especially my father for him to like someone this fast. I guess it was because of the game they played. My dad did a lot of bets in the past with his friends and you could see that he was extremely excited to play the game. Isabella is really good with my parents and brothers of course.

I stare at her taking in her beauty. How her eyes shine when she smiles or laughs. How her green eyes capture me every time she looks at me. How her cheeks get a rosy color when she feels me staring at her. How her breath hitched when I adjusted myself while looking at her. How her eyes are filled with adoration as she looks at my parents love. How patient she is with my brothers and I. How her laugh sounds like music to my ears.

I just feel blessed when I look at her.

It's been 5 months in our new school year and in those 5 months I haven't seen her.

How haven't I noticed her? How haven't I noticed her beauty? Her sweetness? Her smile? How didn't I noticed her in PE? Or in History class? Or Chemistry?

We have many classes together and yet I haven't noticed her in those 5 months. Sure I've heard about her being the sweet and nerdy girl but they never mentioned her beauty. Or I just never listened to that part.

When we first met I was shocked of the way she talked to me. Most girls are flirting with me but Isabel didn't. She wasn't trying to flirt nor was she scared. She was confident and talked to me like a person and not like I was a circus lion that was for everyone to watch. I know that I'm a player but since I've met her no one was good enough.

The girls that used to be my fuck partners didn't intrest me anymore. They didn't had brown hair. They didn't wear oversized clothes. They didn't had ever so often a thick Spanish accent when she talked.

They weren't Isabella.

And I've come to realize that I'm slowly falling in love with her.

Yes Ares fucking Jones is admitting he's falling for a girl.

Isabella turned her head and looked at me with those green doe eyes. How I could get lost in her eyes forever. She smiles at me and I I could feel the corners of my mouth turn up a little. Her eyes shines a little at this since I never smile.

"Oh my look at the time." My mom said making me and Isabella look at her. "It's almost 9 PM." She said as she looked at her golden watch.

"Really? I guess I should go home." Isabel said, stood up from her chair and picked up her plate and walked to the kitchen to put it on the counter.

"Ares will drive you, hun." Mom said making me look at Isabel who was already looking at me.

"Don't worry I can just take the bus." Isabel said as my mom picked up the plates.

"No I'll bring you. It can be dangerous outside when it's dark." I said and also stood up.

"No really. I always have to walk in the dark so it's no big deal." Isabella said with a reassuring smile.

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