~Chapter 16~

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Chapter 16~

~Ares P.O.V~

I couldn't concentrate when Isabella was tutoring me. All I could think about was how good she looked on top of me. How it was so different that I had with other girls. How her face switched from nervously to pleasure. How tight she is. How beautiful she is.

But what I thought about the most was how she could be still so happy after everything that happened to her. I admire her because of that.

My thoughts where sadly interrupted by my phone ringing. I pick up my phone to see that Isabella is calling me. I accepted the call and the moment I heard put the phone by my ear I heard crying. But it wasn't Isabella's cry it was someone else.

"Hello?" I asked confused.

"Ares?" A familiar voice asked me.

"Amy? What's wrong? Why do you have Isabella's phone." I asked hurried.

"I-it's Isabella." She said having trouble with breathing.

"Breath for Amy. Tell me what's wrong?" I asked her softly and quickly stood up from my bed putting her on speaker.

Amy is the only one I like from her friend group. She's the only one that is normal and doesn't does anything stupid. She's a fragile girl but also strong in some ways. She kind of reminds me of Isabella.

"I called her cause my dad abused me again and she got really angry. She came to my house and now she is beating my dad up. I think she is going to kill him!" She said panicked.

"Fuck." I muttered and quickly put on some sweatpants and a shirt on. "I'm coming. Sent me the address and stay on the phone okay?" I asked her hurried.

"Please hurry!" Amy screamed on the phone scarred for her life.

Poor girl.

"I'm coming I'm coming." I said and quickly sprinted downstairs.

As I put on my shoes my mom looked confused why I was in such a rush.

"Where do you think you're going?" My mom questioned sternly.

"Something happened. I gotta go." I said and sprinted to the garage with my car keys in my hand.

"How could you you fucking bitch!" I heard Isabella's voice scream followed by a few things breaking and punching sounds.

"Is she okay Amy?!" I questioned concerned as I turn on my car.

"Y-yes yes she's okay. Kind of. She's better then my dad so that's good news. I-I have sent the address to you." She said sobbing quietly.

"Okay good good. I'm on my way." I said and drove out of my drive way onto the road.

I quickly put on the navigation and speed down my neighborhood. Luckily she doesn't live far, with my speed I am there in 5. The whole ride I hear punches being thrown. Things smashing. Amy crying. Isabella screaming shit to Amy's father. The father screaming.

"Amy." I said getting her attention.

"Y-yes?" She question stuttering.

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