~Chapter 8~

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Chapter 8~ Fun Game

~Isabella's P.O.V~

I was helping Achilles with Spanish for about an hour now and it went well. He's a fast learner so that made it easier. There was a knock on the door and then it opened.

"Hello dear food is almost done. Isabel you're eating with us." She said sternly.

"Okay but I just have to call my dad then." I said with a smile.

"Okay dear. In 20 minutes is dinner." She said and smiled before closing the door again.

"I'll just have to call my dad real quick." I said to Achilles with a smile and he gave me a stiff nod.

I take my phone out of my back pocket and dial my fathers phone number. After a few rings he finally answered.

"Hola papà!" I said with a smile on my face.
(Hello papa!).

"Hola flor. Por qué está llamando?" My dad asked confused over the phone.
(Hello flower. Why are you calling?).

"Solo llamé para decirte que hoy voy a cenar con los Jones. Está bien contigo?" I asked to make sure that it was fine.
(I just called to let you know that i'm gonna eat dinner with the Jones today. Is that's okay with you?).

"Por supuesto flor. Voy a pedir pizza italiana." My dad said over the phone.
(Of course flower. I will just order some Italian pizza.).

"Stá bien papá. Te veré esta noche entonces!" I said with a smile on my face even though he couldn't see it.
(Okay papa. I will see you tonight then!).

"Te veo entonces mi pequeña flor." My dad said in his thick Spanish accent.
(I'll see you then my little flower.)

"Adiós papá. Te amo!" I said over the phone.
(Bye papa. Love you!).

"Te amo, flor." My dad said and then the line goes dead.
(Love you to, flower.).

I put my phone back in my pocket and turn back to Achilles who wat typing on his phone.

"Come on let's head downstairs." I said with a smile.

"Okay." Is all he said and stood up.

We both walk downstairs and went to the kitchen. It smelled delicious here!

"Mhh! It smells delicious!" I said with a smile on my face and Ava turned around.

"Thank you dear!" She said with a smile on her face and stirred something in a pan with a wooden spoon.

The kitchen was black with olive green cupboards. The kitchen counters where made from wood which made it more fancy looking.

"Can I help you with something?" I asked.

"Well since you ask so politely." She said with a grin which made me laugh. "Can you please get Ares for me?" She asked me.

"Yes of course! Is he still in his room or?" I asked trailing off.

"He went to the basement. There's a workout room, he goes there everyday to clear his find or when he's angry." She said with a smile.

"Okay! I will get him for you." I said and started to walk to the basement.

Alex gave me a house tour before I went to tutor him so I still know where the basement is.

I turn lots of corners before I see the stairs that lead to the basement. I walk down the stairs and see a hallway with lots of almost see through doors. On the first door is 'Art Studio' written on with black thick letters. On the second door is 'Workout' written on so I open the door quietly.

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