~Chapter 18~

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Chapter 18~

~Isabella P.O.V~

Today is the day that I will hear how long I have to be in prison. It has been 10 days that I've been arrested. Those days felt so long and I was exhausted of thinking how this will go. I couldn't talk to anyone which was awful.

I had to wait outside the big room where everyone was in: My dad, Friends, Ares, Family, Judges, Magistrates, everyone. And I'm nervous as fuck, but I won't let it show. I have a prisons uniform on which wasn't needed for me because what I did wasn't that bad but I didn't have a choice.

"We are going in now." The officer behind me said and the door before me opened. He pushed me inside and guided me to my seat. I couldn't look my friends and family in the eye and just kept my emotions not noticeable. Not a few seconds later that basterd of a murderer walked in and was seated on the other side of the two tables.

I have my lawyer sitting next to me and I gave him a small smile which he returned. I turn my head the Judges and waited for it to begin. To my surprise Jacob, the bitch that killed my sisters, had a lot of people as audience which made me roll my eyes.

I'm not scared to go to prison cause I will most likely end in the same prison as the half of my family. Yes you heard it right. My uncles, aunts and grandpa where in jail. I cause this is kind of a family thing. Most had to go to jail cause of drugs or had dangerous wapens in there houses.

So I'm not scared.

"Order!" The judge said making me look at her.

Let's just get over it.

____2 hours later____

"We came to conclusion. Mr. Davis. He has killed two young girls and abused the other girl. This is a serious crime. Because of this reason he will be sentenced for life in prison." The judge said and banged with his little hammer on that fucking wooden thing.

She could be a good Fix It Felix.

"What?! That is unfair! It wasn't even that bad! What the fuck!" Jacob said angry and stood up only to be hold back by two officers.

The brought him away and as he walked passed my table I gave him a smirk which made him more angry. He tried launching towards me but I didn't flinch a bit. He was struggling against the two strong build officers as they dragged him out of the courtroom.

The courtroom went crazy at his sentence. The audience behind me where happily celebrating that that bitch will be gone and the other side where all yelling that it wasn't fair.

"Order!" The judge said getting my attention. "Ms. Lopez. You have been charged with attempted murder against mr. Davis. This is a serious crime. We understand you're motive but that didn't mean for you to beat him up that badly. For this you will get sentence for 10 years in prison." She said and banged with her hammer.

10 years?! Holy fuck knuckles. Clearly my friends also weren't happy.

"She's only 17 ma'm! You cant do this!" I heard Ares shout in anger.

"That is unfair!"

"She doesn't deserve it!"

"That basterd of a murderer has to be the only one in prison not her!"

"Oh shut up! She deserves it!" A guy from the other audience shouted followed by multiple 'yea's!'.

"You fucking sick prick!" My dad shouted and charged at the guy while I was pulled away from the courtroom.

Just before I walk out I glanced back to see ares still sitting in shock while looking at me with a sad look on his face. The others where all screamed and shouting things that I just ignored.

Fucking hell. 10 years?! This is so unfair.

___2 days later___

I was laying in my cell when my cell mate decided to speak up.

"This is so boring~" she whined out loud.

"Tell me something I don't know." I muttered as I close my eyes.

"For what did you get in here for?" She asked me interested.

"None of you're business." I said grumpy not opening my eyes.

"Well if I tell my story will you tell me yours?" She asked kindly.

"Sure whatever." I said and sat up leaning against the wall with my back.

"Well I have been here for 2 years now. My sentence is 22 years." She said and my eyes widened a bit. "Long huh? Well I guess I deserved it. It was 3 years ago. My sister came home all quietly and let me tell you she's never quiet so I asked her what happened. She didn't say anything and ran to her room. For 2
weeks she didn't leave her room. We tried talking to her but she never answered. We gave her food but after 1 week they never disappeared. We thought that she just wasn't hungry so we let her be. After a week my dad had enough of it and broke down the door. There she was. Laying all cold and lifeless on the ground. Apparently she mulled herself 2 days before. I miss her everyday. She was my little sister." She said looking down with tears falling down her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Ava." I said with a sad look.

"It's okay. The bitch that gave her the reason is dead anyway." She said and wiped her tears away. "Anyway I saw her diary laying on her bed with a page open. I read it carefully and saw that the night she ran to her room crying was the night she got raped. She was raped by a man named Jackson Hills. After a week she figured out she was pregnant by that man she decided to end it. On her note she said that it was none of our fault and that she will love us forever. After that night I ran away. I searched for that men and when I found him I killed him cold hearted. When they found him I started running away from the cops knowing that I only made it worse. When they found me they arrested me, I got my sentence and well here I am." She said as if it was nothing.

"I'm so sorry Ava. You're family did not deserve to lose you're sister. And you're sister did not fucking deserve what happened to her." I said softly getting a soft smile from her.

"Thank you Isabel. Now tell me you're story." She said with a sad smile.

"Okay." I said and told her the whole story. From my sisters getting killed to how I found out to how I got here now.

"Holy fucking shit. If it was in you're position I would've killed that guy instantly." She said shocked at my story.

"I wanted to kill him to but I got evidence and now he got sentenced for life so he can rot in prison." I said with a grin.

"I'm so sorry for what happened to you." She said with pity.

The one thing I hate is, pity.

"It's okay." I said and closed my eyes.

Tomorrow I can finally talk with someone of my own family. I am so exited to see them again. But what I'm not exited for is what I had to tell Ares......

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