~Chapter 4~

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Chapter 4~ Princess

~Isabella's P.O.V~

I woke up by my alarm clock. I groan and smash my hand on my clock making it shut up. I look at the time and see that it's 6 AM, I have 2 hours before my school starts so I need to get up. I sit up in my bed making it creak a little. I stretch and sit there just for another 2 whole minutes before getting standing up.

I haven't gotten much sleep last night because it was 00:15 in the morning when I finally got home and because a stupid boy called Ares Jones was in my mind all the time and I also had to make my homework so that also didn't really help.

It's really annoying. For some reason I just can't stop thinking about him. There's just something about him that want's me to get to know him. I want to know more about him but I won't because I don't have time for that. I have to take care of my dad and I have to keep up my grades.

I shake my head trying to get rid of my thoughts and go to my shower. I take off my pyjama and turn on the shower. I wait for it to get warm and then step under it. My bathroom isn't the nicest bathroom you'll see but it does it's work.

I wash my body with a vanilla scent body wash and also wash my hair with a vanilla scented shampoo and conditioner. When I'm done I turn off the shower, step out and quickly dry off. When I'm done I wrap the towel around my body and walk out of my bathroom.

I quickly go to my small wardrobe and choose my clothes for today which are some pair of kaki baggy cargo pants and a black oversized hoodie. I put on my underwear and then put on the rest of my clothes. I then decided to do my hair. I section my hair in two and I start to braid two Dutch braids.

After I'm done with that I do my make up but that doesn't take long. I never put on two much make up just a little bit so it just takes me 5 minutes to do my make up. After I'm done with that I pack in my school bag and walk downstairs.

I walk to my kitchen and start to make breakfast. I decided to make scrambled egg. While I'm waiting for the pan to warm up I take two slices of braid and put them on a plate. When the pan is warmed up I put in two eggs. I mix them together in the pan so that they mix together. When the eggs are done I put it on my bread. I take an avocado and slice it in half. I put one in the fridge so that it will stay fresh. With the other half I start to peel it.

Yes I peel it so that you don't waste any avocado.

When im done with that I cut them in slices. I put the slices on my scrambled eggs and put some salt and pepper over it. I take a cup off the cupboard and put some apple juice in it. I take my breakfast to my dinner table which is just 2 feet away from me.

I sit down and start to eat my breakfast while I check my phone for any messages. When I see I don't have any I go to my Insta. I saw that there was a post from two days ago. There was a party and you can see two girls stripping on a pool table with people surrounding the two girls.


The time quickly lasted and in 5 minutes arrived my bus. I quickly clean my plates and cup and put on black combat shoes. I put on a jacket since it's pretty cold outside and double check everything.

'Lights out?'


'Fire out?'


'Breakfast for dad?'


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