~Chapter 7~

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Chapter 7~ Mansion

~Ares's P.O.V~

I don't think Isabella knows that everything she just thought she said out loud. I just shake my head with a grin on my face.

So adorable.

We quickly got to my house, more like mansion, and I parked my car in the garage. Isabella was about to open her car door but I reach over and shut her door close. My hand touched her smaller one and I felt tingling through my hand. She turned her head to me and our face where so close that I could feel her breath on my lips.

I looked into her green doe eyes and almost melt in them. She looked like an Angel, even from up close. I suddenly had the urge to kiss her.

Come on kiss her.


Yes come on.


Stop whining and just kiss her.


You've done it a hundred times with other girls.

But this is different.

How can this be different just kiss the damn girl!

Fuck off I will not do it!

I quickly pull back and step out of the car. I run to her side of the car and open the door for her. She smiled softly at me and stepped out. I shut the door behind her and told her to wait for a minute as she took in my absolutely beautiful garage.

It's ugly as shit.

Note the sarcasm please. My garage is the best garage you can ever think of. It is black with olive green walls and there is 1 other car in the corner which belongs to my mom. My dad and two brothers also have there own car but there not home yet. My motor bike is placed in the corner and there's a small closet where we put all kinds of equipment in. There's a shelve placed next to it with my helmet on it.

I walk to my trunk and take out both our bags. I shut the trunk close and walk over to Isabella as she silently waited for me as she played with one of her golden rings.

My eyes travel down her body taking everything in. This is the first time I've seen her in a tank top. It hugged her torso perfectly, it wasn't to short but also not to long, it just showed her toned stomach a little. She had black pants on with a red tank top, a leather jacket on top and black combat shoes. Her brown hair falls over her shoulders and she had golden earrings in and 2 golden rings on each hand.

She looks absolutely hot.

I shake my head trying to get rid of the thoughts that where roaming inside my head.

"Let's go." I said and nod towards a door on our left.

She hesitated for a bit but walked through the door. I walk behind her and we enter my house. We both take off our shoes in the hallway and make our way to my living room. The living room was big but not to big. It had high walls and high windows that give the room much light.

It had a big black couch with a wooden coffee table in the middle of the room. There was a olive green rug neatly slipped under the coffee table and couch. On the wall was a big flat tv screen with a little fireplace build into the wall under the tv giving the living room a warm feeling. In the corner where green plants. The wall behind the couch was the same color as the rug but it was a blank wall.

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