~Chapter 15~

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Chapter 15~

~Ares P.OV~

Yesterday was amazing. I know I've fucked a lot of girl that was just a little fuck partner but with Isabella it was not like that. It wasn't just a quick fuck. I feel like I needed to take care of her with my life. It was the best fucking day ever.

I look around the cafeteria to see her friends sit on there usual table but there where missing two girls. Amy and Isabella.

Where the fuck is she? Did something maybe happened to her?

"You okay man?" Theo asked me concerned as I was lost in my thoughts.

"Yeah I'm okay." I said.

"Whatever you say dude." Damian said going back on his phone.

Suddenly a loud screeching sound was heard. The whole cafeteria went silent and everyone stared at the two doors. The doors opened and two familiar figure walked through it. Well not walked actually.

Isabella was dragging a chair behind her with a grumpy and embarrassed Amy sitting on it. The sound of the scraping chair was very irritating but the embarrassing look on Amy's face was priceless.

~Isabella P.O.V~

"Why are you doing this to me Isabella." I heard Amy say on the chair that I was dragging behind me. 

"Cause I said that if you didn't get of that chair I would drag you with me. And that is exactly what I'm doing." I said to her as we almost arrive at our table.

We where in math when she said she didn't wanna go to the cafeteria cause of the incident that happened with Aurora and Trent. I told her she had to do it cause otherwise the fear would all build up and it would be not easy to get over it.

"Ms. Lopez! What do you think you're doing?!" The voice of the principal filled my ears.

"I'm taking my friend to the Chamber of Secrets!" I said sarcastic and rolled my eyes at the dumb question.

"Stop this right now!" The principal yelled angry.

Luckily I was arrived at our table so he would stop yelling at me.

"You have arrived at you're destination." I said with my best navigation voice.

"You're really embarrassing her you know that Isabel?" Jack said with one eyebrow raised.

"Oh I know." I said smirking as Amy got of the chair and sat down at the table.

"Ms. Lopez! Take that chair back to the classroom!" The principal screaming making my ears bleed.

"Fucking hell no need to scream you banshee." I said not loud enough for him to hear but some people heard it and tried to hold in there laughs.

I smirked and dragged the chair back behind me making the same scraping sound on the ground. I turned my head around to see the principal furiously looking at me.

I keep dragging the chair behind me while looking  at him. "Enough of this!" He said and took a sprint towards me.

I quickly reacted and ran away from him still with the chair behind me that was now bouncing on the ground from the turn I made out of the cafeteria.

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