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____9 years later____

~Ares P.O.V~

It has been 9 years that Isabella was sent to jail. After the talk I had with her I decided to listen to her. I went to the college I wanted to go to. I went to the places we wanted to go to together and sent her cards with photos of the places.

I found a woman that I met at a coffee shop in New York. She's sweet and caring. She reminds me of her. I became an FBI agents and started looking for the rest of the basterds that killed Isabella's sisters so she wasn't in there for nothing.

I found a nice place together with my girlfriend. I proposed to her at the Eifel tower. So she's now my fiancé and where getting married in May which is in 3 months. I have a little boy on the way which is pretty exciting.

I did everything she asked me to do but I never forgot about her. She will always have a place in my heart. Always.

Now I was sitting on my couch when my fiancé sat down next to me. "Hello babe." She said with a smile and gave a kiss on my lips.

"Hello love." I said with a grin and pulled her close to me by her shoulders as I turned on the tv.

Breaking news.

"Last night there has been two murders in the 'Orleans Parish Prison'." The men said on the tv getting my full attention.

I pulled my arm away on sat straight on the couch. Isabella is in that prison.

"The two woman that has been murdered are Ava Scott and -Please don't say Isabella Lopez, please- Isabella Lopez." The men said finish his sentence and the whole world stood still.

This can't be. No this has to be a mistake.

A picture of Ava and Isabella appeared on the screen.

"No no no no no no." I said and stood up pacing around.

"What is it Ares?" My wife said worried and quickly walked over to me as I crouched down to the ground with my head in my hands.

"It's Isabella. She's dead." I finally said to her and she understood immediately.

I told my wife about her a couple of times and she wanted to meet her so badly when Isabella got out of jail.

Alexia, my wife, wrapped her arms around me as we both sat on the ground softly crying.

"She was so close of getting out." I said sobbing. "So close." I said holding Alexia in my arms tightly but being careful with her tummy.

"I know baby, I know." She said and ran her fingers through my hair.

The next thing I know im laying on the ground with my head on Alexia's lap while still being in shock. I heard my phone ring which got me out of my thoughts.

I wiped my tears away and stood up walking towards my phone. I looked to see how it was and my heart stopped for a moment. Carlos Lopez. Was the caller. I hesitated for a moment and accepted the call.

The moment I accepted the call sobs where heard over the phone.

"Ares. Son." I heard his voice speak with a Spanish accent.

"I know. I heard it pops." I said trying to hold in my sobs.

I never stopped talking with Isabella's dad and over the years I became very close to him. I visited him a lot and we had the best conversations.

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