~Chaper 10~

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Chapter 10~ The Day That Changed My Life

~Isabella's P.O.V~

I walked up the stairs with Ares following me. There where three rooms. One was the bathroom, one was my bedroom and one was empty. I showed him the bathroom which wasn't much entertaining then I showed him the marvelous empty room and lastly I showed my room.

I open the door to my bedroom and walked in. My bedroom was small but I could sleep, do my homework and change in here and that's all I need.

There was a bed in the corner of the room with a bedside table on the right side with a nightlight on it and a picture of me and my siblings. Across the room was a closet and my desk where I do my homework on. The walls where just plain white with picture frames hanging on the wall with pictures of my family and friends.

Ares was looking around the room but stopped at a certain picture. It was one with me and my two siblings. I walked to his side and broke the silence between us.

"Those are my siblings. There names where Mia and Sophia, there identical twins." I say and tears prickled in my eyes. I quickly looked away and sat down on my bed.

"Where?" Ares asked confused and looked at me.

"They passed away four years ago." I said with my voice cracking at the end of the sentence.

"I'm so sorry I didn't know." Ares said with quilt. He walked to me and sat down next to me.

He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again not daring to ask the question he wanted to ask. But I knew what question he was going to ask.

How did they passed away?

"It was four years ago and we still had our old house. It wasn't much but it was big enough for my family and I. We had a great life until one night." I said making him look at me. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

Come on Isabella. You need to tell someone, you can't keep it to yourself it's bad. You can trust him.

I took a deep breath and explained further. "It was April 28th 2019. I was 13 at that time and my sisters where 7. My parents finally had a date night after not having a date for 10 years. I had put them both on a date since they deserved it." I said with a chuckle.

"I was babysitting my sisters which I loved to do. I used to do it all the time since my parents worked a lot. So it was just another night of babysitting nothing important happened. I played dolls with them, had a tea party with dr. Susie and my two siblings." I said giggling as I remember the bear that was dressed as a doctor. "I made dinner and we ate together. At exact 8 PM I tugged them in bed, read a story for them and went downstairs." I say looking down at my hands. I could feel Ares looking at me but I didn't had the heart to look at him.

"I was watching a movie when Mia and Sophia came downstairs looking confused. I asked them why they where downstairs and they said-" I took a deep breath as a tears fell down my cheek onto my lap. "They said "Why where you looking at us?". I was so confused when they said that because the thing is that I never watch them sleep and for the past hour and a half I've been watching a movie. I asked them what do you mean and Mia said "You're just standing in the corner of our room while looking at us. It scares us Isabella.". At this point I knew that there was someone in my house that I did not let in." I said and looked at Ares who looked slightly terrified at the thought.

"I told them to wait downstairs while I went to check up on the intruder. When I was at the top of the stairs I felt a hand cover my mound. I kicked and tried to scream but nothing helped. I cried and tried to get out of the persons grip but they where to strong. The intruder took me downstairs and that's when I saw 5 men standing in the living room. 2 where holding my siblings as they cried." I said as more tears fell down my face. I kept my head low as images filled my head.

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