~Chapter 3~

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Chapter 3~ Cigarettes and Sunshine

~Ares's P.O.V~

"Where are you going?" I heard my dads voice asking as I put on my leather jacket.

"Out." I said coldly and put on my shoes.

My father didn't ask any further as he knows he won't get anything out of me. I check if I have everything.











Good I have everything. I open my front door and I'm greeted with a first. It was Kenji who was about to knock on my front door.

"Sorry." He said sheepishly.

"Yeah yeah whatever, just get that first out of my face jerk." I said annoyed and rolled my eyes.

"Yeez man calm you're tits." Kenji said as he walked to his car.

His car was a red Audi R8. Yeah his family is pretty rich.

"Shut up will ya." I said grumpily and shove my tattoos hands in my front pockets.

He just rolled his eyes and open his car door. I shut the door behind me and walk to his car. I sit down in the passenger seat and buckle in.

Safety is important you know?

"We will meet the others at the restaurant." Kenji said as he he turned on his engine.

My body shook a little as his engine is pretty loud.

"Alright. To which restaurant are we going?" I asked him as he pulled out of my street.

"It's a Spanish restaurant down town. I have eaten there once with my family. There really nice and the food is fucking delicious." He said almost drooling. "Hey when are you getting you're car back? I'm getting pretty tired of driving Al the way across the world to pick you up." He said making me roll my eyes.

"You literally live one block away dumbass." I said with a scoff.

"And? I haven't fucked a single chick in this car because I have to pick you up all the time." He said annoyed.

"Yeah well then you shouldn't have brought me into that stupid prank of yours." I said snapping back.

"Hey! You're the one who wanted it not me!" He said putting one hand up as surrender.

"That's the biggest bullshit I've ever heard. You literally went like 'Oh please Ares you have to come it will be fun I promise'." I said with a high voice.

"I do not sound like that!" He said grumpy like a little kid.

"Mh yeah you do." I said with a smirk and turn my head to look outside.

"Whatever. Not everyone has a voice like yours." He said annoyed.

"Oh yeah and what does my voice sound like then?" I asked him curiously.

"Like Santa. You could literally play Santa in a stupid Christmas movie." He said making me chuckle at how irritated he is.

"Yeah well you could play in mean girls with that voice of yours." I said with a playful smirk.

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