~Chapter 11~

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Chapter 11~ Back. Off.

~Ares's P.O.V~

I woke up by my fucking alarm ringing against my eardrums.

Fucking alarm clocks.

I knock my alarm clock on the ground only for it to continue on the ground. I groaned in frustration.

Great I'm already waking up all frustrating.

I get out of my bed and pick up my alarm clock which is still FUCKING RINGING! Anyway I put it back on my beside table and stretch my arms and back. A knock was heard followed by someone open my bedroom door. It was my mom of course. She has always been an early bird.

"Get moving you have school in 30 minutes." She said and went to close the door but opened it again making me yet again look at her. "And put on some clothes." She said pointing to me standing with only my boxer short on.

She closed the door and I rolled my eyes.

"Good morning to you to, mom." I mumbled to myself.

I walk to my bathroom and took a quick shower. I decided to not wash my hair this time so that i had more time for breakfast. I walk to my closet with a towel around my waist. I pick out a simple outfit today, black pants with a white shirt.

Yeah I know you're probably thinking "Oh my god this dude is so boring, ugh.".

Well I am boring so go fuck yourself.

I dry my hair and fixed it to how I always have it. I put on my silver rings and my chain. I pick up my leather jacket and walk downstairs to the kitchen.

I was met with a nice aroma of pancakes. My mouth watered just from smelling the fresh pancakes. I see my mom standing in front of the stove making the pancakes.

Her brown wavy hair was moving side to side as she was dancing a little to the music that she had put on. She was wearing a silk olive green dress with white shoes.

Yes, I think you've already guessed it. Olive green is her favorite color.

"Hey mom." I greet her.

"Hey hun. Hoe did you sleep?" She asked as she flipped over a pancake.

"Good, you?" I asked her and sat down at the table.

The table was already set with 4 plates and juice in the middle of the table. I pick up the juice and pour it in my glass.

"Yeah I've slept good. Can you do me a favor and check up on you're brothers? You guys have to leave in 15 minutes. They should've been downstairs by now." My mom said inpatient.

"Sure thing mom." I grumbled and made my way upstairs.

I knock on Achilles door and after a few seconds it opened. I was met with a still sleeping Achilles.

"Get you're ass ready where leaving in 15 minutes." I said and his eyes shot open.

"Shit!" He shouted and slammed his door shut in my face.

Fucking asshole.

I go to the room next to Achilles's and knock on the door. It was opened and Atlas stood there all dressed and well.

"Where gonna leave in 15 minutes. Mom made pancakes." I said and Atlas ran out of the room.

I swear those fucking kids

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