~Chapter 12~

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Chapter 12~ Querido

~Isabella's P.O.V~

I'm dragging Ares behind me as I walk to the boys restroom. Yes I know the boys restroom oh my god. No it's not a big shocker okay? Because I will not be having it that where gonna be in the middle of a fucking girls gossip.

Anyway I walk into the boys restroom and check if no one is here. Ares has been silent the whole time that I've been dragging him behind me. I close the door and walk over to the sink. I let go of Ares's wrist and put my bag on the ground. I crouch down next to my bag and zip it open. I look through it and see my small towel that I use for PE.

And yes it's fresh I just washed it.

I zip up my bag and stand back up. I walk over to the the sink and make my towel wet. I push myself on the sink and Ares stands in front of me between my legs. He puts his hands on the sink next to my thighs.

I put my hand on his face and start to inspect his wounds. He has a cut on his lip and cheekbone. His nose was bleeding and eye was getting blue. I look up to his eyes and see that he's already looking at me.

"Eres tan estúpido." I mumble in Spanish and bring the wet towel to his face.
(You're so stupid.)

I dab the towel against his cheekbone and begin to wipe the dried up blood away. He keeps staring at my face as I clean up his face. I gently begin to while the blood away from under his nose.

God he's stupid. Why did he do that? He could've gotten out worse. I was handeling it but then he came storming into my business.

I really hope I broke Aurora's nose, she deserves it. She told a secret that only I knew, and even in the fucking cafeteria!

The moment that Ares punched Trent I immediately turned around to Amy. She was sitting next to me looking shocked as she still had to process it. I asked if she was okay and she said yes. Cleo insisted on taking Amy for a walk so that I could stop Ares from killing Trent. I asked Amy if it was okay and she said yes.

Amy has been my sister ever since I've met her. I'm the only one who knows about her being abused. It broke me to know that she was getting abused by her father.

A few months ago I noticed that she only wore long sleeved t-shirts or hoodies, she didn't went to PE and I saw the bandage on her wrist. I asked her what happened but she jus told me that she burned herself. I of course didn't believe it. After a week she called me and told me that she just had been abused by her dad and asked me if I could help her.

Of course I went to her house and picked her up. She doesn't live far away from me so I took her on my back and walked back to my house. Ever since then we have been like sisters. She my little sister and I would do anything to protect her. I insisted to go to the police but she was against it. I let it go but I got very protective of her.

I shake my head a little trying to get rid of the thoughts and got back on focusing on Ares's wounds. I clench my jaw as I picture the images from the fight in my head. Him getting almost knocked out by Trent. I feel myself getting angry that he got into a fight because of me.

"Por qué diablos harías eso? Podrías haber estado más herido. Dios, voy a matar a Trent por lo que te hizo." I said angrily in Spanish.
(Why the fuck would you do that? You could've been more hurt. God i'm going to kill Trent for what he did to you.)

I always speak in Spanish when I'm angry it's kind of an habit of mine.

I noticed Ares amused face as he looked at me. I just rolled my eyes and put my towel under the tap making it wet again. The water that hit the sink was red as it washed off the blood from the towel.

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