~Chapter 2~

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Chapter 2~ The Restaurant

I sigh as this is my bus stop. I walk to the front of the bus and say my goodbye to mrs. Garcia. I step out and the rain hits me immediately. Luckily the store isn't far away so I quickly walk to the store.

I made a list this morning for what I had to buy. I take a shopping car and walk through the aisles. I look down at my list and see:

-1x Peanut butter
-1x pickles
-1x eggs
-2x milk
-2x butter
-2x cucumber
-3x tomatoes
-1x spaghetti
-2x Apple juice
-1x ham
-1x cheese

I sigh as the list is longer then I aspected. I quickly get everything on my list without having any problems and walk to the cashier. I pay for my groceries and put everything in a plastic bag I brought with me. I walk out of the store and see that it luckily stopped with raining. My house is only 5 minutes away, so I decided to walk.

After a few minutes of walking I walk into the familiar neighborhood. It isn't the richest neighborhood so the houses are pretty crappy. The first few houses are decent, but the further you walk into the neighborhood the crappier the houses get. I finally see my house and walk towards it.

It's a 2 story building, the crème color that was once on the walls are almost green and my front porch is almost nun existence. Some of the windows where smashed so last week I put some wooden planks over it so that it wouldn't be as cold as it was.

The stairs up to my front door where either cracked or not steady. I just ignore that and walk up to my door. I place the bag with groceries on the wooden 'floor' and take out my keys. I unlock my door and pick up the bag from the ground.

I walk in and close the door behind me. Before I take another step inside I take of my shoes and see that there was a letter waiting for my dad on the ground. I pick it up and walk more into the house. I walk to my kitchen and put the letter on the counter.

My house from the inside is a little bit better then the outside so that nice. The wooden floor creaks every time you take a step but it's okay you'll get used to it. The first time we got this place it was in a much worse shape. It smelled really bad because some things where rotten but I just threw that away and started to clean the house almost every day.

The kitchen isn't as pretty as my old kitchen in Spain but it's okay, as long as it works. I put my groceries in the fridge and put the plastic bag away in my school bag for if I need it again. I take the letter off the kitchen counter and begin to open it.

"Isabella eres tu?" I heard my dad voice coming from his room which was downstairs since he can't really walk. (Isabella is that you?)

"Si papa soy yo." I said back and walk to his room putting the letter back on the counter. (Yes papa it's me.)

I walk into his room and see him laying in his bed. There was a table next to his bed with pills on it. The television was on to keep him company. There was a chair in the corner of the room and a there hang a few picture on the wall with our family in it.

I walk to the chair and push it towards my fathers bed so that I was closer to him. I sat down and took his hand in mine.

"Cómo te va hoy papá?" I asked him making him look at me. (How are you doing today papa?).

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