~Chapter 17~

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Chapter 17~

~Isabella P.O.V~

I am sitting in a interrogation room waiting for someone to question me about the situation. It's not the first time I've been here so I'm very relaxed. I have my feet on the table and my hands behind my head closeting my eyes.

I've been waiting for an hour now so I'm bored as fuck. I just keep thinking about that son of a bitch. Earlier today I was looking online and saw a picture of Amy's dad. I saw a tattoo that I recognized from that night. It was the same man that cuffed me to the radiator and let his buddies kill my sisters.

When I saw that I was furious. Just as it was times Amy called me to ask me if I could pick her up cause her dad abused her again. Her dad has changed a lot over the years, that's the reason why I didn't recognized him.

I quickly got to her house and when I saw him I just saw, red. I don't know why came over me but I started to beat him up. And he had the fucking audacity to say that he was very pleased to hear my screams that night. That just crossed my line.

That fucking psycho.

My thoughts where interrupted by a door being opened. A black and white man walked in and sat down in front of me.

"Well what a pleasant surprise. Haven't seen you two in how many years?" I questioned with a smirk adj took my feet of the table sitting normally.

"3." The black man said shortly.

"3 years I haven't seen you to. Took some time but I'm back." I said smirking.

"Why did you do it?" The white man asked me looking me straight in the eye.

"Cause I wanted to fucking dance with him but he said no." I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes. "What do you dipshit. You know exactly why I did it so don't ask me." I said getting a little pissed at the question.

"You look a little frustrated Ms. Lopez. Why's that?" The black man said and started to write something on a notebook.

"No shit. I've been waiting for a fucking hour. My head hurts. My hands hurt and I see you to again." I said and leaned back in my chair.

"Okay. You know you broke mr. Davis's nose, jaw, 2 left ribs and one arm?" The black man named Miles Gomes asked me.



"Cause he killed my two little sisters."

"That doesn't mean that you have to almost kill him Ms. Lopez." The white man named Jake Hendrickson said.

"Yes it does."

"You could call the police before you beat him up."

"Yea I could. But I didn't. He deserved it. At least I never stopped looking for the motherfuckers that killed my sisters." I said leaning onto the table looking them both in the eye.

"Don't do this Isabella." Jake said shaking his head.

"Look I'm done here. You got what you wanted, you got my reason for why I beaten up that son of a bitch so why don't you get on with what you wanted to do in the first place." I said annoyed and stood up.

"Good that where done here. Isabella Lopez you're under arrest for attempt murder." Mr Gomez said and stood up taking his handcuffs from his waist.

"Really? Attempt murder? A little to dark don't you think." I said and turned around for him putting my arms on my back.

"Just make this easy for yourself okay? Everything you say can be hold against you." Mr. Hendrickson said making me roll my eyes as Mr. Gomez puts on the hand cuffs making me groan in annoyance.

Mr. Hendrickson opened the door of the interrogation room and I was pushed out of the room.

"Isabella." I heard Amy's voice say.

I turn around and see Amy's beaten up face which was her fathers work. "You okay?" I said taking a step to her only to be pulled back by Mr. Gomez making them all look up in shock.

"Where are you taking my daughter to?" My dad said standing up in a flash.

"Relax sir." The white cop said calmly.

"I will not relax. You're taking my daughter somewhere." My dad said angrily.

"Tell us where the fuck you're taking her." Ares said standing up frustrated.

"Mr. Jones. I need you to step back and sit down. I will not hesitate to arrest you." Mr. Hendrickson said warning Ares.

"Arrest him for what? Wanting to know the truth? Dickhead." I said the last sentence whispering so no one could hear.

"Isabella don't." Mr. Gomez said and pushed me to two doors.

"Oh where doing names now ey Miles?" I said grinning.

"Don't call me that, it's Mr.Gomez." He said angry.

"Yeez I thought we where friends." I said sarcastically sad.

"Just shut up." Mr. Hendrickson said making me laugh at how I could irritate them in such a short time.

"You can't just take my daughter somewhere!" I heard my dad say frustrated.

"Isabella what is happening?!" I heard Ares scream just as I was pushed through the doors. I glance behind me and locked eyes with him.

"Sorry." I mouth to him giving him a sad smile.

A sad look flashes over his face. His face was the last thing I saw when the two doors closed......



Sorry that this is a short chapter. The next one will be longer!

Anyways love you!

Xxx Yasmin

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