𝙁𝙄𝙑𝙀 ☆ 𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙨𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙙

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"can you even stand properly?" chishiya asked.
a few more yawns escaped from your mouth as you smiled awkwardly. "not really."

"then sit. you'll be going against some tagger soon when you go for that door, dont waste all your energy. or do just that, i don't care." he scoffed.

you leaned down on the pole.
you listened to the bloody screams of people being murdered and were almost sure you were close to ripping your ears out due to how loud it was.

"you seem pretty calm in a situation like this." you observed.
"so do you." he retailiated.

it went silent, which the silence was bareable and not as awkward as the first silence. you see chishiya wave his hand at two people. you sit up and the two of them give him a weird stare and rush off. "i think they find you weird." you snort.

chishiya hummed. "that's fine with me."
you tap your foot against the floor gently. you were recovering from the incident earlier, and was confused on how he just slid it under the bus as if it didn't happen.
so, you brought it up begrudgingly. "you really don't care that i like, collided into you?" you asked.

"you strike up annoying conversations that are worthless answers. no, i don't. if it was on purpose it would be some other story." he rolled his eyes.

as the word annoying hit your brain, you decided to keep quiet and just listen to the atmosphere as you gazed down. not really a happy atmosphere.

i'm pretty sure, if you asked around. . you could grab intel on this man, as you were curious on what he was like.
he was odd and eerie, and didn't know his motive. you couldn't tell if he was being nice or mean or both. that's what made it so interesting to you.
curious on intel, you asked the closest near you. "chishiya. have you found anything on the door, the escape thing?" you asked.

a shrug of the shoulders was your only response.
you groaned. not worth teaming up with. perhaps you should go back down with your friends.

turning on your heels, you quickly glanced over the railing and spotted your friend... just arisu. you didn't know where karube ran off to.. maybe he was there in the shadows.

"going so soon? i thought you were too tired to stand?" chishiya wondered.
"i'm just curious on something."
"the wellbeing of your friends?" he raised a brow.

"you must be a mind reader." your eyes dart back over to him.
"easy to tell by the look on your face, and where you're looking at." he explained.

you weren't confused on just your friends wellbeing, but how the tagger hadn't made it's way up here. you stayed there for a second.

"there has to be something up with it's vision," you mumbled to yourself.

"figure out something?" chishiya places an arm on the railing and faces you.
"no. i'm just questioning something."
chishiya hums, expecting a continuation on what you're questioning.

you clench your fist. he was getting on your nerves. "curious on the tagger's vision. how come it hasn't come up here? it's vision has to be shorter or narrowed."

"bingo." he smiled smugly.

you search for arisu and karube and find the bits of their head, keeping crouched down by the railing. then, arisu shoots up and begins screaming. its loud enough for you to hear even on the top floor. "everyone! he's up here! over here, he's on the second level! he can't see properly, because of the mask he's wearing! tell us where he is if you see him, and together lets look for the symbol!" he screams.

you raise your eyebrows. so he knew as well, that means you two are probably on the same terms. which meant you didnt need any extra explanation when you three met up again.

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