𝙉𝙄𝙉𝙀 - 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙝!

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you winced in pain as chishiya reapplied bandage wrap onto your previous injuries, and some cuts you sustained from the glass table.
chishiya sighed sharply, yanking the bandage he had wrapped around your wound off from the roll of wrap.

"there." he stood up, staring down at you.

you nodded as a thank you, uneasy from the pain. you laid back, head hitting the ground.

chishiya turned around and sat down himself. looking over, you observed his facial expression. usually an unreadable expression was casted on his face, but it seemed you could read it this time. he looked as if there was something on his mind, definitely something puzzling him.

grunting, you made an effort to sit up and sat criss-cross. "chishiya," you called out.
receiving a hum, you continued. "you look puzzled. thinking about something? perhaps.. the game we played?" you questioned.

chishiya shook his head. "the opposite. the beach." he replied.
right, the beach...

"thinking about where it is?" you asked on further.
chishiya nodded. "and a few other things. anyway, we should head out in a few hours. we'll make it faster in nighttime."

you blinked, still incredibly drowsy. "leave me behind. if you want to make it faster, leave the injured." you sighed. "i'll make it there on my own one day."

"yeah... no, can't do that." he looks over at you, a smug smirk planted on his face. "i said i'd bring you to the beach," he brought it up, which you nodded knowing he was right on that. "or maybe you'll find your friends on the way there."

you saw the hint of disappointment as he spoke, but it was easily shrugged off.
you remained silent, tongue stuck to the roof of your mouth as you began to think of a reasonable response.

"don't respond if you can't think of one." he said, and you nodded.

it was awkward silence as chishiya popped open a can of food and began to ate it.
grabbing another one, he rolled the can over to you.
you took the can in your palm and examined it.

you sat it back on the floor as it was another can of vegetables you would rather die than eat.
you yawned and rolled over, no longer able to see chishiya.
you sat, staring at the stars. you thought of nothing but the past, as you dwelled on it.
your friends, the life you had before here...all but meaningless. especially your past life.

you were nothing but floating around with 3 friends to keep you going, and they were gone. now you were traveling with a person you barely know and can barely put your trust in.
rubbing your eyes, you darted them from the stars to the floor.
chishiya exhaled. "am i that untrustworthy?" he snorts.

you rolled back over. ". . . i barely know you." you spoke.
"i can't trust you just yet." you added.

"yet you're taking on my offer to pair up with me." he raises his eyebrows.
"i didn't have a choice." you argued.

"you did." he replied.
you grumbled, clenching your fist and relaxing. "i didn't, actually. in the state i was in, i probably would of died to my visa running out if you didn't drag me into that game." you said.

"so, you gain a little bit of my trust for that." you rolled the can of unopened vegetables back over to him.
chishiya laughed, picking up the can of vegetables and setting it aside. "you sure are something else." he hummed, moving his head to look at the stars himself.

"well, are you rested enough?" he begins to stand up.
you nod in reply.

"let's go to the beach then. i have a good guess where it is, so just follow me."

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