Things Went Wrong

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It was a few days after Bucky moved to the room next to me and everything was going great. I was in my room packing a bag and Steve was sitting on my bed pissed off.

"Explain why you have to go again?" Steve again.

"Something about getting this damn thing signed and a rep needs to be there. Fury can't go, I'm the next best option. You could go with me you know. I will be close to where Peggy is buried, we can go see her." I said and Steve groaned.

"I would love to, but I need to be here in case there is a mission." Steve said and I just shook my head.

"Right because they couldn't fight without Captain America one fucking time." I said throwing things in my suitcase.

"Language." Steve cause and I just looked at him annoyed.

"Don't language me Steve. I thought we could just get out of this compound once together." I said and he groaned.

"And we do on dates." Steve said and I shook my head closing my suitcase.

"Not the same thing." I said and went to leave the room. I walked down to Wanda's room and Steve followed. I knocked and she opened the door.

"Hey, I have to leave for a few days. Can you still work with Bucky while I'm gone? He should be fine in his room but if Tony insists on the containment..." I trailed off and she nodded. I turned and looked at Steve.

"I need you to be there when she does this. Since I can't be." I said Steve just nodded I sighed and placed my hands on his chest. "I'm only gone a few days. I will be back before you know it." I said and Steve pushed my hands off his chest.

"Right, well see you when you get back Director Carter." Steve said and I didn't know why this was pissing him off so much. I walked to my room, grabbed my suitcase and headed down to my waiting ride.

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I got back from my trip and something seemed so very off in the entire compound. I went to my room and dropped my bag off. Once I got settled, I walked over to Bucky's room and found it completely trashed.

"Oh no..." I panicked. I rushed to Fury's office and just ran in.

"What happened?!" I asked and Fury was talking to a few people I didn't know.

"Ahh Director Carter, this is your doing right?" The lady asked and I just looked at her and then back at Fury.

"I assure you Director Carter got Barnes here on my authority. She also had to go to London for all of you so this isn't on her. She wasn't even here."

"Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?!" I asked pissed off.

"It seems your experiment on Barnes went array, he escaped and ran. We have no clue where he is with his Winter Solider brain activated." The lady said.

"Fuck." I said and then looked at Nick.

"I need a team. Steve and Sam preferably." I said and he sighed.

"Steve and Sam are out looking for him." Nick said and I groaned.

"Then get them back here! I know where to go. I placed a tracker in his metal arm on our way here for this kind of situation." I said.

"They are following a lead I will not get them back." Fury said and I groaned. I rushed from his office. I went to my room and changed into my suit like Nat's that I had. I pulled up the tracking then went to Wanda and Nat from the living.

"Want to join me on a mission to find Bucky? I know where to go." I said holding up the tablet. They jumped up and got ready. I knew Nat could fly the jet, so I gave her the coordinates. I sat in the co-pilot chair texting Steve. I wasn't sure if he would get them.

SUMMER: I got back and found out what happened. I know where he is Steve. I'm on my way to get him. I will send you the coordinates. You and Sam can come and help.

I never got an answer back and I just sighed.

"He is mad." Nat said.

"I had a job to do Nat." I said.

"Right but he was planning some kind of special dinner while you were gone and he had to cancel everything." Nat said and I groaned placing my head in my hands.

"What kind of special dinner Nat?" I asked and she held up her left hand and wiggled her ring finger.

"Steve's proposing?!" I asked and she sighed.

"He was thinking about it." Nat said and I groaned.

"I hate myself so much right now. We fought before I left and now, I find out he wanted to propose." I said and she sighed.

"He will be fine, trust me." Wanda said coming up to us and I just sighed.

"I asked him to go with me to Paris. He could have done it there." I said.

"Idiot Rogers." Nat said and I nodded.

We traveled the rest of the way in silence, I was thinking about Steve proposing the entire time and how much I had ruined it by leaving and why he couldn't just tell me he was planning a nice date and maybe we could have worked something out.

We arrived where the coordinates had taken us and I sighed knowing where we were, enough research on Barnes didn't leave much to the imagination that his brain would go back here. I wasn't sure why Steve and Sam didn't think of it but that on them.

"Where are we?" Nat asked.

"Winter Solider training facility. Hydra base created and trained them here. It's where Bucky was brought when they found him." I explained as we got to the keypad to get in. I typed in a code.

"It's creepy how much you now." Nat said and I shrugged.

"Read the file enough you figure out enough." I said and she nodded.

"Do we know if he will be out of the conditioning?" Nat asked and I shook my head.

"Wanda, you need to be ready to put him under. I have the tranq." I said. We walked in and stalked around looking for Bucky. I found him after we split up and he was sitting in the old conditioning chair. He saw me and sighed.

"You Bucky or not?" I asked.

"Bucky." He said and I nodded. I kept my distance. "I'm sorry Summer. It was bad." Bucky continued.

"Did you hurt anyone?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No, Wanda just unlocked something I wanted to forget. I came here hoping this machine would work and I could work it out myself." Bucky said.

"And it doesn't?" I asked.

"Nope. But it's okay because the way I would be conditioned I would remember anyone." Bucky said and I sighed.

"While I was away, I met someone. I was explaining your situation and he had a new condition method and they have had great success and he would love for you to come. We can go there now. I sent Steve the wrong coordinates, he should be there when we arrive." I said as Nat and Wanda joined me.

"You think it would help?" Bucky asked and I nodded.

"It's worth a try. What do you say?" I asked extending my hand and he smiled and took it. We then headed back to the jet.

"Where to Summer?" Nat asked.

"Wakanda." I said.

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