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Males: Pisces  Taurus, Leo, Scorpio , Aquarius, Sagittarius 

Females: Gemini, Virgo, Aries, Cancer, Libra,  Capricorn 

Aries Ramheart- Female- Fire sign- March 21-April 19- Symbol- The ram  Looks: Big and muscular, red hair, tan skin, deep red eyes, ram tattoo on her shoulder.   Personality: Acts tough but can be a sweetheart (Especially to crush 😏) pretty smart, almost too loyal, tad impulsive, will beat the fuck out of people that are mean to her  besties. Also, she is gay. Best Friends: Leo, Gemini,  Frenemy: Sagittarius, Crush: Libra .  Starts out hating but gets closer to : all of the earth signs (Kind of also frenemy/ rival with Virgo)  Nickname: Ari, Ri-Ri, Ms.Fire Sign the first,  Cursed Flaming ram (Virgo)  Dipshit (Sagittarius and Leo)    Powers: Super strength, fire manipulation 

Taurus Bulliev- Male-Earth sign- April 20-May 20- Symbol- The bull  Looks- Same body shape as Aries, but with slightly broader shoulders, chocolate brown curly hair, forest green eyes, moderately pale skin, adorable brown freckles,  bull tattoo on shoulder.    Personality: Stubborn as fuck, kind, loyal, slightly lazy, but cutely so, likes food but still manages to stay in perfect shape. Best Friends: Capricorn, Pisces, Aquarius. Frenemy:  Cancer, but he gets MUCH closer to her as times goes on. Crush: Virgo. Starts out hating but gets closer to: The fire signs, especially Leo. Nicknames: Taur, Tau-Tau, Taurus- Shit (Leo)  Chef Taurus      Powers: Teleportation, Earth manipulation 

Gemini Duoface- Female- Air sign- May 21-June 21- Symbol- Twins Looks: Skinny as fuck, but also curvy, short, pale, hair is two different colours, black and purple, eyes are the same, her symbol tattooed onto her neck. Personality: Bubbly,Extroverted, Popular, Sarcastic, Sweet, Strong best Friends: The Fire signs and Air signs, and Virgo. Frenemies: She doesn't really dislike anyone, just likes some people more than others.  Crush: Leo Starts out hating but gets closer to: Capricorn .  Nicknames: Gem, Gemmy, Gee-Gee (Hates that one, but Aries calls her it anyway)      Powers: Charmspeak (Works especially well against opponents that are attracted to her, which is most males and some females) Air Manipulation 

Cancer Crabclaw- Female - Water Sign- June 22-July-22- Symbol- Crab Looks: Moderately muscular, tan, white blond hair shoulder length hair , SUPER tall, blue eyes that look like the ocean, small crab tattoo on her  upper back. Personality- Kinda emotional but NOT a crybaby, sweet as fuck, sometimes moody, generous, hoards things, sometimes kind of gullible. Best Friends: Fellow Water signs, Aquarius and eventually, pretty much everybody. She's lovable! Frenemies: Like I said, Taurus at the beginning, but then they become closer. Crush: Pisces. Doesn't hate anybody, at first she didn't love Aries though.  Nicknames: Can, Can-Can, Crabby, "Can-  Can the water woman", Thing 1    Powers: Extreme endurance, to the point where she can get stabbed, and she'll be fine, water manipulation. 

Leo Lionel- Male- Fire Sign-July 23-August 22- Symbol- Lion Looks: Like a fricken model. Perfectly tan, Perfectly muscular, perfect golden brown hair and mesmerizing brown eyes, and mischievous smile  Personality: Like his fellow fire signs, will beat the fuck out of bullies, slightly proud, but more so when people make fun of his friends, funny, defensive, sweet, teasing, bossy, good leader Best Friends: Aquarius, Aries, Sagittarius     Frenemies: Capricorn and Virgo. In his exact words "I don't like how they're always in charge, just because they're responsible, mature, and the only ones that aren't crackheads."  Crush: Gemini . Again, Doesn't hate anyone, but has a sort of love-hate relationship with Scorpio. Nicknames: Lee, King Idiot, Simba, Dipshit the second      Powers: Can communicate with animals, fire manipulation                                                                                                   

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