Chapter 20- Gemini's Diary Part 2

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Taurus POV

I teleported  after Leo, going bit by bit at a time. When he finally stopped, I did too. I squinted into the distance, trying to see was looking at. Suddenly, I saw a figure, running. Assuming that was Gemini, I kept teleporting behind Leo, who was running after the figure. Eventually, Leo caught up with Gemini. I creeped a little bit closer. 

"Gem! You're beautiful just the way you are! You're probably the best looking out of our group, in the school! You have nothing to worry about!" Leo said, trying to stop Gemini from running any further.  I disagree. I think Virgo's the best looking, but, of course, she's my girlfriend, so I'm biased. Gemini is definitely not ugly, that's for sure. "Not according to some people." Gemini was sobbing at this point, and I could tell she was completely exhausted. "Gemini, when was the last time you ate?" Leo asked, grabbing her waist and physically preventing her from running any farther. Gemini didn't respond. "Gemini, WHEN DID YOU LAST EAT!" Leo was yelling, but he didn't sound, or look mad, as he was running his hands through Gemini's hair,and picked her up, cradling her like a baby. 

"Last Wednesday." She murmured, slumping in Leo's arms. What? Today is Thursday! I could tell Leo was pretty shocked as well. "Alright, Gemmie, I think we need to get you to a doctor. Come on." I was surprised Leo was able to carry her. Of course, Gemini was light, but Leo wasn't that much taller than her. "How did you know where to find me?" Gemini mumbled, burying her face into Leo's neck.   Leo didn't respond, and good thing he didn't, as I doubt Gemini would love that Aqua and Leo were rifling through her diary. And yes, I'm not an idiot. I did notice them sneaking into her room, and I heard Leo making the plan. Suddenly, something fell from Gemini's pocket onto the ground. I was still pretty far behind them, so I couldn't see what it was. But Leo didn't seem to like it. "Gemini. What's this." Gemini didn't respond, nor did she move, so I'm assuming she was asleep. Leo picked up the thing and examined it more closely. Only then did I notice what it was. 

It was a vape pen, and by the looks of it, used. Leo shook Gemini, and she removed her head from its position. When Gemini saw the vape in Leo's hand, she started crying even harder than before. "I-I  was j-just so st-stressed ab-bout the kid-kidnapping th-thing, and-d th-hen with the Hy-ydra thing I-I couldn't d-deal wit-with it anymore. s-s-so I we-went to a store and got this. And now I can't stop buying them. There the only things that make me feel better." Gemini cried. I felt shocked. Poor Gemini. Clearly,Leo felt the same, but he grabbed the vape and threw it into the nearest garbage can. (Or tried, anyways. He plays volleyball.)  "Don't worry, Gemmie. Imma get you to Virgo and we'll figure it all out. Mkay?" Gemini nodded, and buried her head back into Leo's neck.  God, I feel bad for both of them. And before you get all mad at me for not going out there and offering to help carry Gemini back before now, , or teleport, A, it didn't occur to me, until, well,  now.  And B, by now, it was poring, and I don't like rain. With a sigh, I decided to go out and help. I marched up to Leo and Gemini, and grabbed onto both of them. "Taurus? What are you doing here?" I ignored him, and concentrated on where I wanted to go. Gemini's dorm. Finally, I managed to get myself, Leo and Gemini into her dorm. "Put Gem on her bed. I'm going to go get Virgo." Leo obeyed, placing the still sleeping Gemini on her bed. I pictured the street, and reappeared to chaos. 

I know, short chapter. Sorry!

What do you think about Gem and the vape? Is she gonna be okay? What's up with Capricorn and all them just chillling on the sidewalk? 

Read on to find out! Also, I want to make three special mentions: first, @spacesoulxx, who was literally voted on all of my chapters, and who gave me the idea for this one. next, @BubblesMwhahaha,for again, voting on every chapter, and also for creating what is possibly one of my fav stories ever. And finally, to @tubbos_brownies, for being a great friend, and again, voting on every chapter. Luv y'all! also, Gemini season is coming up! If any of my Gemini's reading this want to get mentioned by me in the story (And who knows, maybe gem herself will say hi too!) feel free! Luv y'all! 

- Charlotte (charstar!) 

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