Chapter 17- Prophecies and more Bullshit.

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Taurus!" Virgo screamed, rushing up to her boyfriend and resting her hand on his chest.  Seconds later, he got up, scratching his head. "I'm fine, but that was really weird." The second he got up, Libra toppled over as well, but even though a very confused Virgo waited minutes, the air sign didn't wake up. Aquarius ran up to the two of them, looking terrified. "Is she okay?" The water bearer asked, staring at Virgo, who looked confused. "All her  vital signs tell me she's sleeping. If I wasn't watching it, I would have guessed she was fast asleep."Aquarius frowned. "Sleeping dart?" Virgo shook her head. " I checked. No signs of anything hitting her. I'm guessing it's some sort of magic, but as far as I know none of our friends have anything like that." "Here, let me try something." Capricorn concentrated, and she shrieked. "Alright, she's having some pretty crazy dreams, and she isn't controlling them. Whoever is isn't letting me in there any longer." Virgo's face crumbled. "What should we do?" She asked. Cancer, who had been watching, embraced her best friend. "Well, let's just wait for her to wake up. She isn't dead, and she isn't hurt. So it'll be fine. Maybe she just had a crappy sleep last night." "Okay, I have a question. Why isn't she doing anything about this?" Sagittarius guestered to Professor Ophiuchus, who was lounging on a chair and watching the whole scene with mild amusement.  Aries gasped. "Guys, Dipshit  has grown a brain!" Sag frowned. "I've always had a brain!"  He protested, glaring up at his much taller fellow fire sign. Aries sighed. "never mind, it's gone." She said, dodging Sagittarius, who tried to slap her.  "Alright, you two, when your done bickering mindlessly, I'm not doing anything because I don't need to. You zodiacs will be fine. 

Virgo scoffed. "Taurus just randomly fell asleep, and Libra still hasn't wakened up. I'm worried and don't think she'll be fine." Ophichus shrugged. "Like Crabclaw said, she's fine. Now, my class is over, and none of you even touched Lionel. Next time, I expect maximum effort. Leave." The zodiacs walked out, expect for Virgo, Aquarius and Capricorn, who figured out a way to lift Virgo up and bring her to the next class. There next teacher, Professor Draco, was a little bit more concerned about the passed out Taurus. "Um, is she okay?" Draco asked, as Aqua, Virgo and Capricorn awkardly walked in, carrying Libra.   Virgo shrugged. "According to Professor Ophiuchus, yes." She said, still sounding upset. Draco looked confused. "Okay, then. I suppose, just put her on the bench back there. Miss. Virgo, I suppose you could go sit back there with her too, if you like." Virgo nodded, and Her, Capricorn and Aqua placed Libra on the bench. Virgo pulled a chair beside her as  Draco began the lecture. 

Ten seconds after the lesson began, Gemini raised her hand. "Sir, could I go to the washroom?" Draco nodded, and Gemini made a Come on face at Leo. A confused Lion sat in his seat for a couple seconds, and then realized she wanted him to follow her. "Ah, Sir, could I go fill up my water bottle?" He asked. Draco looked up. "Mr. Leo, you don't even have a water bottle in class, but I can see that you and Miss. Gemini are working through some problems. So hurry up. Surprised with his good luck, Leo booked it to the hallway. "Sorry, I uh, had to escape." She nodded. "Did you really mean it? About Hydra?" He nodded. "The truest thing I ever said."  Gemini looked at Leo, and he felt as if she was scanning his brain, trying to tell if he was telling the truth. When she decided he was, Gemini grabbed Leo in a hug. He grabbed her back, happy. When they broke apart, Leo noticed a lump in her pocket. Too big to be a phone, not big enough to be her binder. "Gemmie, what's that?" Leo pointed at the lump. She blushed. "Oh. That's just my diary. Um, we should probably get back to class. I'm really worried about Libs ." Leo felt bad. He compeltley forgot about the poor air sign , his mind was occupied with two things: Ecstatic that Gemini had gotten back with him, and wondering what might be in her diary. "Oh, ya." The two walked back to class, and Leo grabbed Gemini's hand, tentative look on his face. The air sign grinned, and rested her head on Leo's shoulder. 

Aries was pretty sure this was one of the wackiest days of her life. First, Leo had begged for Gemini to forgive him. Then, Taurus had randomly fallen asleep. Then, Libra had fallen aslepp, and wasn't waking up. And now, Gemini, who had, last night, refused to eat even a bite of food or sleep a wink, was grinning and hugging the very same Leo that she has previously sworn to kill. "Hey, Guys, I think he's waking up!" Virgo called. Aries's head shot up, and she ran over to the earth signs. Libra  was, indeed, waking up. SHe awkwardly sat up and leaned heavily on Virgo's shoulder. "Had. Crazy dreams." she mumbled, standing up. "I think.... we need to go talk to the principal. Now. It's urgent. 


Pisces was really worried. Libra had finally woken up, mumbling nonsense about needing to speak with Principal Stars.  Now, she was in a private room with the principal, and everyone was freaking out. "I'm worried about her. What the heck would be important enough we'd need to tell this bitch?? "Mr. Bearer, watch the language. I'd restrain from insulting me when I'm about to give you some information that might very well save your life." Aquarius shut up quickly. "Your friend Libra was possessed by some sort of prophetic star. She just recited a prophecy: A Zodiac shall be taken, and replaced by one who should not be trusted. Beware the many headed water serpent. The conflict must be resolved by the unlucky day, or the world as we know it shall begin to crumble.  For Without Fire, Water, Earth and Air, we are all doomed for eternity." 

Ha! Finally started with this dratted plot! Which zodiac is the impostor? Guesses in comment section. Also, I know the propechy is pathetic and doesn't rhyme, but deal with it, becuase I'm no Rachel Dare. Also, deaths are planned. Maybe if you commented I could change it, but.............. hurry up. Also, some ships have yet to sail. I desperatley want Sag and Scorpio to get together, but their chapter needs to be absoulotley perfect, so be prepared for more cringe romance. Okay? That's all from me, and now theres going to be a nice vote (Won't it be funny if no one responds, lol) 

Who should die---------------------

Which ship should sail next--------------------

Who do you think is the impostor-----------------------

What's in Gemini's diary-----------------------------------------

That's all from me! Luv y'all. Also, wondering if we want to go back to the POV's, or do we like 2/3 person? Also do we want pics of Hydra and Ophiuchus and side characters? 

-HesterGranger aka Charlotte. 

P.S- i'm probably going to do a get to know me thingy soon, so I apologize in advance. 

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