Chapter 24- It's all fun and games.... until someone dies.

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Cancer POV 

.......................... Well, I'm not dead. I promise that much. but hey, since you asked so nicely, I'll try to remember what happened. Me, Vi and Cap were hiding behind one of those rock things, before a group of the boys found us and started shooting. Me and the girls shot them back, but then Taurus shot my neck, and then everything faded to black. That's all I remember, and Vi told me I fainted shortly after. There, you're pretty much up to date. Now, let's jump back into the present. 

"WHAT THE ABSOULOTE MOTHER FUCKER JUST HAPPENED?" Aries was mad, I could tell. "THIS IS FUCKING LASER TAG! HOW THE FUCKING HELL DID SOMEONE ALMOST DIE! AGAIN!" Taurus shrugged, helplessly. "I don't know, honest. all I was trying to do was get a point.... I didn't know it was a real gun!" Huh. So Taurus had shot me with a real gun! I was on my bed in mine, Cap's, and Vi's room, pretending to still be asleep. all the other signs were in there with me, and it had been on and off shouting from Taurus, Aries, Gemini, and Cap. all four  signs were  trying to prove their own point. As far as I could tell, Aries and Gemini thought Taurus was the imposter, and that he had shot me on purpose. Capricorn was defending her fellow earth sign, pointing out that imposter or not, Taurus would have known about my extreme indurance (Which was, apparently, what had kept me alive) And would have shot someone else. And Taurus, he was just trying to defend himself. 

"FOR THE LAST TIME! MAYBE IF YOU USED YOUR HEAD, FOR ONCE , You'd REALIZE YOUR WRONG!" Capricorn bellowed. Through my partially closed eyes, I could see Aquarius trying to stop himself from laughing out loud. Seriously, the only people who don't know they are in love is them. But that was not our biggest problem right now, so I sprung out of bed, and marched in between the bickering signs. "Alright, that's enough, calm down." "CaNcEr!" Capricorn cried, gathering me up in a hug. "Are you feeling okay?"  "Ya, I'm fine. Virgo did a good job." Our poor, overworked healer was currently passed out on her  bed, clothes, shoes, and medical equipment still on. 

"That's good." Pisces hugged me as well, pressing a kiss onto my forehead. I smiled up at him. "But I'm confused. What happened?" Sagittarius spoke up, his purple eyes a mixture of mischief, fear, and something else, that I couldn't quite place. "Our resident hot- heads are busy trying to figure this out. Honestly, I'm surprised Scorps isn't getting into this action. " The aforementioned scorps rolled his eyes. "I'm not yelling because I'm not sure what happened, myself. It was a confusing situation." Libra, Leo, Pisces and Aquarius nodded their agreement. I glanced over at poor Taurus, who was slumped in a corner, and shrugged. 

"Well, then, it's not fair to blame Taur for something we're not sure he did. Taurus, Aqua, Scorps, why don't you guys go and try to identify the stuff that poisoned Leo and Aquarius that day?" Aries opened her mouth, as if to argue, then glanced over at a nodding Libra, and closed it.  The boys glanced at each other.  "Well, we... kinda already did?" "and you didn't tell us?" I tried to keep my voice level. "Well, no. We're still trying to figure out how. But..... if the tests we're right, it's a combination of stardust, individually fallen from the constellations of Ophiuchus and Hydra."

- MWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHaaaaaaaaaa. I hope you enjoyed the endingg.... btw.... I decided which water sign! YAY ME! So get ready for death.... If I'm right, the first actual action scene with death with happen in two chapters. but first.... a little sneak peak at the enemy's point of view. Please read, there is some important information that will be needed for future chaters. 


"I told you, girl, all three of them from each group. Get all of one element dead, and we win. Get all of one element dead,  and we rule. but do not, I repeat, DO NOT kill the teleporter. yet. He's still of use to us. they need to think he's their imposter." My boss said. I frantically nodded, calculating these thoughts in my head. "But, um, ma'am, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but, um, I probably won't be able to take out three of them on my own. Do you have people who could help me?" She smirked at me, her long, black nails tapping slowly on her black book. "Of course I do. Meet the planets."  A stream of people came out of a small door that I hadn't noticed before. She introduced them to me, and I tried to keep tab of their names and qualities in my head. 

Mercury was a lithe woman with white hair and black skin , and the way her mouth lilted and her eyes looked told me there was an amazing brain behind her pure orange eyes. 

Venus was gorgeus, a skinny man with a sparkling smile and something magical in his normal (Thank god- Mercury's eyes terrified me.) blue eyes. He reminded me of Leo- but taller, more powerful looking. 

Mars was enourmus- hulking over top of everyone else like a tree over bushes. Everything about her was red- her hair, her eyes, her jumpsuit.... that is, except for her skin, which was pale as paper. 

Jupiter had an easy smile, but something about the way she looked at people made me think she was in charge. Her brown skin was beautiful and creamy, and her indian bindi was red and orange, and looked like a crown on her face.

 Saturn was Asian, with strong, powerful arms and legs, and a slightly arrogant look which led me to think he was confident in his fighting skills. 

 Uranus was a fair man with dark hair, and everything about him looked strangely lopsided- except for his steady arms, which held a computer case. I could tell he was a whiz at computures.

 Neptune was beautiful- non binary, with Navy blue hair that hit their shoulders, with glasses, and a serious expression. 

Sun was, well, a ball of sun- bouncing up and down and here and there, his white hair so bright it shone. 

Then there was Moon, stnidng in the corner, not talking. Her face was a perfect circle, pale as, well, the moon, with a short black pixie cut that framed her face. 

"They will help you." My master said, grinning at them. "And remember this, for it may help you- they can only be defeated by the zodiacs they rule if they are together.  say for instance, Mercury was facing the teleporter, he could, technically, beat her." The way mercury smiled led me to think she very much doubted this. "However, the healer or the mesmer, on their own, could not. But the two together, could. Think of this when you plan,  So make haste- and remember, you must attack halloween night. Spend some quality time together- and remember, no killing, yet. Injure, but don't kill. You can save that for later. And planets, loves? Listen to Hydra" She swept out of the room, leaving me with the most beautiful people I've ever seen. all at my command. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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