Chapter 13- How many days in a school year, again?

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"NOOOOOOOO! I absolutely refuse! You cannot make me!" Leo cried, facing an impatient looking Capricorn and a very pissed off Virgo. "Leo, get your fat ass onto that school bus this instant before I punch you so hard Gemini won't be able to find your lips to kiss since your entire face with be puffy and red." Virgo hissed, looking like she meant it and checking her watch.  You must be very confused, since Virgo had to explain (multiple times) To everyone esle. Even though they were technically in the school, they were in the dorm building. The actual school was several kilometers away, meaning they had to take the buss. Leo looked genuinely scared, and nodded before racing to the bus stop. "There, that seemed to work nicely. I'm going to use that again on him." Virgo said, sounding pleased, all signs of aggression wiped off her face.  "But seriously, Leo's right, the first day of school came so quickly. I wish we could have spent more time together before we have to start." Sagittarius said, glancing at Virgo slightly nervously. But she nodded thoughtfully. 

Meanwhile, all three air signs were already on the bus, seeing as they were the only element Virgo and Capricorn trusted enough to go on their own And A) Not pick a fight with the bus driver. B) Leave the bus in one piece. C) Not be making out the entire time and forget to save seats or D) Get lost on the way to the stop.  

"Excuse me, I was only aware of one date that was happening last night. You're telling me there were three?" Libra asked Gemini, looking slightly shocked. Gemini grinned. "This girl officially has a boyfriend. And I hear Taurus and Virgo's date went splendidly as well." Aquarius buried his face in his hands. "Too much love! Not to mention my poor lonely soul isn't involved in any of it either!" Libra poked him. "Hey, there's only three couples. I'm still in the single squad too. Besides, the only reason Vi, Taur, Lee, Gem, Can- Can and Pie went on dates is because they had the nerve to ask the other. Maybe if you asked Cap- I mean, your crush, you would be in a relationship as well." She said kindly. "Let's change the subject. Us three are together for all the subjects, right? What are your powers, again?" Gemini said, sensing Aqua's slight discomfort.  Libra made a face. "Obviously, air manipulation, but also this thing called the peace of friendship, were I can make everyone's weapons drop, and make everyone see the other's side to the story. I know it's kind of pathetic, but I can also use it to make enemies drop their weapons." Aquarius nodded. "Cool, kind of like the Peace of Frey in Magnus Chase. I've got Air Manipulation, and I can, like melt into the air." Gemini laughed. "Us air signs all have pretty darn weird powers. I've got charmspeak, like Piper McLean from Percy Jackson, and air manipulation." she said. Libra nodded. "Cool, but am I the only one who hasn't read any of the Rick Riordan books?" She asked. Aquarius shook his head. "The fire signs, Scorps, and Pie haven't either. Speaking of the fire signs, I think that chaos at the front of the bus is probably them?" 

It was indeed the fire signs. When Aries, Leo and Sag dropped into the bus seat across from the air signs, Aries looked pissed at Leo, Leo was trying to hide behind Sag, and Sag was trying not to laugh at the two of them. Libra sighed. "What happened?" "This idiot thought it would be funny to tell the bus driver that I'm deaf and blind, so I would not to expect me to be able to hear or see anything. Virgo shut him down quickly, but I'm going to murder you once we arrive at school." Aries hissed, reaching around Sag and Shoving Leo. Taurus sighed. "Why are you like this, Leo?" He asked from the seat behind, sittng with his fellow earth signs on the aisle, holding hands with Virgo, who was reading, and  handing something to Capricorn, who was third wheeling like the queen she was.

 When they finally reached the school, their first class was Surviving battle, all together. "Learning how not to die is a great way to start off a school year." Said Pisces, clutching several thick books, and his schedule as he walked with the other signs towards the massive classroom. Well, more like a battle arena crossed with a park. "What the fuck? This is awesome!" Scorpio breathed, taking in the lake in the middle of the "Classroom", the small forest, the caves, the sandy fire pit. As soon as the zodiacs reached the classroom and were looking around in awe, a young female teacher appeared in front of them. She smiled brightly. "Greetings, zodiacs, I'm your teacher, Professor Ophiuchus. Welcome to Surviving Battle. Now for roll call. Archerstone, Sagittarius?" "Sup!" Sag called, raising his arm. Ophiuchus raised an eyebrow, but didn't comment. "Bearer, Aquarius?" "Here." Aquarius nodded, his hands full. "Bulliev, Taurus?" Taurus raised his hand. "Crabclaw, Cancer?" And so on. Finally, when the roll call was over, Ophiuchus wasted no time. "Maidenel, take this." She threw a long dagger at Virgo's face, and she caught it, admiring its handle. "Archerstone, I've been told you're good with a bow?" the professor asked, eyeing Sagittarius. He nodded, serious for once.  "It's actually one of my abilities. Deadly accuracy." Without another word, a bow that was nearly taller than Pisces was thrown at Sag, and he just managed to catch it. "Lady, how do you expect I lift this thing, much less shoot with it?" He complained, fumbling with the bow and trying to get it upright. Ophiuchus just looked at him, smiling serenely. "You'll learn." She said, before throwing Taurus and Capricorn knives, Aqua and Libra spears, Aries, Scorpio and Cancer axes, Gemini a small double sided dagger, Pisces a trident, and Leo a frying pan. The fire sign just looked at his weapon, gaping. 

"Excuse me, Ma'am, is it possible for me to use something that is not a kitchen material?" Ophiuchus shook her head. "No. You have to be able to fight with all weapons. Each practice, I'll assign the frying pan to one of you. Mr. Lionel is starting. Now, Lionel, see if you can beat Maidenel. Maidenel, don't kill him, and I sure as hell hope one of you has healing powers." Virgo raised her hand. "That'd be me. Leo, I promise I won't kill you" It wasn't a fair fight in the slightest. Virgo had clearly done this before, and had a sword, where poor Leo had a frying pan. Within seconds, she had him pinned on the ground without a scratch on either of them. Ophiuchus sighed. "Well, I suppose I did get you to use a frying pan, but I want to see what you can do with a real sword. Bulliev, give Lionel your dagger for a moment. I want to see how he lasts against Maidenel." Taurus looked a little bit nervous, glancing at Virgo, whose hair had fallen out of its bun,  and was panting slightly and holding her sword at her side, which he had to admit, made her look pretty intimidating and hot in  a Barbarian Princess kind of way. Taurus realized Virgo had this one in the bag, handed Leo the dagger, and rejoined Aquarius. "Good luck." He said, smirking.  Leo nodded. "I'll need it. I don't think this is fair!  This is literally the first time I've  swordfighted, and she's clearly an expert."  He whined, grabbing the dagger clumsily. Virgo nodded. "I am, in fact, an expert, but I'll go easy on you.  Come on, Leo, I'll use my bad arm!" The fire sign sighed, and Virgo switched her sword to her right hand. Ophichus just watched like she was a spectator in a gladiator fight as two zodiacs sparred. After about two minutes, Virgo got her sword to Leo's throat, but she was panting slightly and had a small cut on her bare thigh. (She was wearing athletic shorts) "Nice job, Lee. I can tell with some practice, you're going to be excellent at this." She said, dropping her sword and slapping Leo's hand in a high five. Leo smiled. 

Ophichus looked amused. "Excellent, Maidenel, Lionel. Lionel, I suggest you try to defend your waist  neck, and legs a little bit better, because in a real fight, if you get hit in any of those places, well, you won't be surviving that battle, either from blood loss or immideate death. Now, the rest of you. Come here." The ten remaining zodiacs walked towards their teacher with varying degrees of confidence. Capricorn, Cancer and Aries marched towards Virgo and Leo,  looking like demigods straight from Camp Half Blood. The air signs looked less excited, but weilded their weapons like pros. Pisces and Sagittarius looked eager as well, and pretty dangerous looking (Well, as dangerous as a 16 year old who is five four, like Pisces, or five five, like Sag). And then there were Taurus and Scorpio. Both of them looked very intimidating, but also like they really didn't want to be there: Scorpio just raditated danger, and his glare pracitcally dared anyone to go near his axe, which was hanging loose in his arm. Taurus was tall and burly, and his gaze was determined and stubborn, but also slightly bored. Taurus spotted Scorpio sneaking looks to Sagittarius, so many times to the point he was looking at Sag more often than he wasn't . Taurus muffled a laugh, and went to go kick some serious fire sign butt.

"Individual power training next, right?" Leo had obtained a black eye from the frying pan, and touched it, wincing (Aries had mastered the kitchen tool quickly) Sagittarius nodded, also sporting a black eye (Seriously, Aries, why?) Virgo groaned. "I wasn't looking forward to this. After I learn how to use my healing powers it'll be all "Virgo! Aries stepped on my toe and I have a boo boo! fix it up for me!" She looked pointedly at Leo. He shrugged. "But this way you'll be able to fix my beautiful face. This black eye makes me look like a demented pirate." Aquarius snorted. "You're offending pirates everywhere with that statement." Leo tried to shove him, but Aquarius dodged and Leo went flying into a classroom. The door slammed shut behind him. "Leo?" Aries banged on the door, but no one esle stopped moving. "Ari, that's his classroom. Look, it even has his name and symbol on the door." Cancer pointed. "Sick! We get our own classrooms for this class?" Aries pumped her fist. Capricorn shrugged. "Seems like i-" "Hey, there's mine!" Virgo interrupted, pushing open the door cautiously. The door slammed shut behind her, too. This process repeated for all the signs, until Cancer was the only one left. Finally, she slammed her door open and stepped into the classroom. What she saw made her jaw drop with shock. 

I hope y'all liked the school scene! More to come, promise. There's a hidden Percy Jackson quote somewhere in the story. Only true fans will be able to find it! On a completely unrelated note, all the deaths are planned out in my mind. There will be at least three. That's going to be some fun scenes to write ! As always, comment for des ships, and thanks to all of y'all who have been reading, voting, following, and especially commenting! Luv y'all, and wish me luck: I have a math test tomorrow!

-Charlotte (HesterGranger) 

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