Chapter 21- Doctor Virgo's diagnosis

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Gemini POV

I still felt really drowsy, but I heard Virgo's voice calling, "Gemini. Wake up. Come on, I need to help you. Come on." So I figured I probably should wake up. Even though Virgo would soon realize I was on a healthy diet and nothing was wrong, I suppose I did need help with the vaping thing. So I blinked my eyes rapidly and attempted to sit up. Oh, lord. I'm fucking starving. Virgo smiled at me gently, and she placed her cold hands on my stomach, probably doing her magic healing thing and figuring out what was wrong with me. (She would soon realize that nothing was.) 

Virgo winced. "Um, we have a problem. Leo, Libra, Aqua, Aries, stay. Everyone else, go. Oh, and Taurus get me a pizza, and a protein shake. Now." Everyone did what Virgo commanded. Virgo turned to face the four remaining signs. She didn't fuck around with words. "Gemini's developed anorexia." Leo ran over to hug me, Aries and Aquarius buried their heads in their hands, and Libra started crying. "Well, then, fix it!" Leo demanded. Virgo shook her head. "That's the thing, I can't. The thing about anorexia is that it's like a mental thing, not so much physical, so I can sense it, but not heal it. That's why I can tell that you have separation anxiety, but can't fix it." I listened to all this, and raised my voice above everyone else's babble (Virgo was explaining, Leo and Aries were yelling at her, Libra was crying, and Aquarius was trying to comfort her) "Guys, I don't have anorexia. I'm just on a diet. I'll be fine." Virgo sighed. "Gemini, Why didn't you take a cookie from Taurus on the bus?" she asked. "I'm allergic to chocolate." I lied. Looking back, I probably could have just said I didn't like cookies. "No, you're not. Because I saw you ready to bite into one of those brownies at the party, and then the Leo and Hydra thing happened." She turned to face the other four, as I protested weakly. "Lying about food is one of the main symptoms of anorexia. And the other is throwing up your  food when forced to eat it, as well as this." Virgo reached over to my head, and ran her fingers through my hair. I watched, shocked as several pieces came loose just from contact.  That's what made it real. I started sobbing at the top of my lungs, and Virgo hugged me. "Hey, Gemmie, it'll be okay. Sag and I will drive  you to a real doctor, and they'll help you. It'll be better, I think, if you talk to someone you don't know. Are you hungry?" I was torn. Obviously, I was starving, but at the same time, the thought of food made me nauseous. I shrugged and Virgo smiled. "Good, you realize that you need food. I bet the smell will make you sick, but we really need to get something in your stomach. Taurus!" On cue, the earth sign walked in, carrying a massive Hawaiian pizza, and a protien shake smoothie from Booster Juice. 

I reached towards the Booster Juice, thinking I would start with liquids. However, I still felt really weak, and couldn't quite reach it.  Leo, noticing this, grabbed it for me, and passed it over. I put my mouth on the straw, and was about to take a sip, when my brain started expolding with thoughts. Think about how much fat is in that . One thought said. Don't give Hydra more to taunt you about. Your ugly enough as it is, don't make it worse."  Oh, yes, I should probably fill you in on the backstory of all this. Remember the dance? Ya, that's when it all started. I was drinking a little bit with Libra, when I saw Hydra and Leo. At first, my brain just assumed he was drunk, or maybe that Hydra had a better personality or something than me. And then I looked at the brownie in my hand, and that's when some sick part of my brain figured out I needed to diet. It didn't help that the next couple of days after that, Hydra would start coming up to me and taunting me about my weight and stuff. 

I shook myself out of thinking, and noticed that I still hadn't taken a sip. Gathering all my stubborness, I took a quick sip. It was a weird sensation. I wanted to throw up, I wanted to take another sip. I wanted to stop drinking because I would get fat, I wanted to keep drinking, not caring. It was Gemini vrs the anorexia, and Gemini was going to win. 

That's the chapter! Thanks for reading! Also, special author's note. I REACHED 2K READS, AND 100 VOTES! WTF? THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!! AAHHHHHHHHHHH! 

On a quieter note, I know the last three chapters have been a lot about the Gemini stuff. The plot will start progressing, promise! Have an awesome day/night!

Luv y'all!

-Charlotte (CharStar) 

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