Chapter 22- The band kids beat up Hydra! (Clarinets>swords)

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Aquarius POV 

We were all worried about Gemini, but Virgo assured us she was in the hospital, getting treated for her anorexia. However, I completely forgot that the first band meeting was today, which will take my mind off things. (Call me a nerd,  but my clarinet skills are incredible, if I do say so myself.) Besides, I learned this morning that Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Leo, and Surprisingly Sag, also played in their old school band. Which means we have a ride in Sag's car, which also means I don't have to call an uber at 6 in the morning! Great! Anyways, it was about 530 in the morning, and Leo and I were as quietly as possible getting ready. We really, really didn't want to wake Taurus up. Finally, we were able to sneak out into the hallway. Already there was Virgo, looking excited with a flute case in her hand, Capricorn, looking hot with her clairnet case, Cancer, with her trumpet case, laughing at Sag, who was struggling with his tuba case, that was basically the same size as him. Leo, seeing Sag with his tenor saxophone case,started laughing as well. "Alright, you guys, are you all ready to go?" Sag asked, finally managing to get his tuba in a comfortable position. We all nodded, and headed down to his car. When we reached it, Sag and Leo heaved their instruments into the truck, while the rest of us just put them on our laps, as they were small. 

When we finally arrived at School, we walked down to the band room, instruments in tow. I'm going to spare you the details of the entire band practice, as the important stuff happened afterwards. I'll just say two things. One, Leo is even more awesome than I thought. His saxophone skills are out of this world.  and two, Capricorn can really play that clarinet. It's really impressive, actually. When band was over, we walked out of the room, only to see my least favorite person in our school: The one and only Hydra. She sneered as Capricorn and Leo, who were the first two people to exit the room, passed her. 

"Hey, Cappy! I didn't think anyone could be uglier than Gemini, but I've got to say, you take first place!" Capricorn gritted her teeth, but didn't give Hydra a reaction. I wish I could say me, Virgo, Cancer and Leo reacted the same. The four of us screamed something rude at Hydra at the same time: I said "Shut the Fuck up, Bitch, Capricorn and Gemini are both ten times better looking than you!" Virgo yelled "I really want to smack you with this flute, but if you got any uglier, you'd blind me, and I quite like my eyes. Fuck Off!" Cancer screamed "FUCK OFF YOU STUPID UGLY SLUT!" and Leo said "Hydra, go tie weights to your ankles and jump off a bridge. Kay?" Hydra just sneered more. That's when Leo and I made the descision to smack her in the face with our instruments. 

-K that's the chapter. Luv y'all! deaths are set in stone now. ahhh, their dying screams will be so fun to write! ( I know, i'm cruel) Also, the actual plot is beginning next chapter... so please be paitent, i think it'll be long! Ok, a little bit of backstory for this one. I've always wanted to hit someone in the face with my flute, and instead of getting myself in detention, i figure ill get Aqua in it instead, lol. Anyways, bye, thanks for reading, voting, commenting and following, all those poeple who did! 

-charlotte (Charstar) 

@spacesoulxx, u are simply amazing, thanks for all your ideas, likes, comments, and overall support!! 

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