Chapter 8- The mall Part 2

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Sagittarius POV

I know, My shorts are awesome. And so, according to Leo, is my taste in burritos. "Sag, can I have another bite of that? It's amazing." I sighed, and handed my Beef Bacon wrap over to him. "By the way, I haven't seen the suit you choose yet. I hope it's a tasteful colour." he said, trying to look sophisticated. I smirked, and yanked out the neon pink swim shorts. Leo blinked several times, as if to make sure he wasn't dreaming. "Sagittarius, why?" He asked, still looking shocked. I smiled. "I have to make a statement. Plus, these just scream my name, and, double plus, they were on sale!" I said proudly, flourishing the shorts.

"I wonder why." Leo muttered. I rolled my eyes at him and turned to Scorpio. "Hey Scorps, what are you eating?" Scorpio looked at me. " a hamburger." He said. I rolled my eyes again. "No duh sherlock. I meant what kind of burger, does it taste good, et cetera."

"Oh." He said simply, then looked away. Fuck that guy is hot, but super, super quiet. I know Cancer is sign of the crab, but this guy needs to come out of his shell a ton more .... Get it?!? Humour! Funny? Right? No? Oh well. Anyways I was bored so I leaned over the table and began bothering the things, also, but less commonly known as Capricorn,Virgo and Cancer. "hey Virgo, are you a rabbit?" "No, Sagittarius." She said, sighing. "You're eating rabbit food, though, so you must be a rabbit!" Virgo shook her head. "Sagittarius, since when do rabbits eat chicken? It's a chicken caesar salad." I frowned, but then grinned again. "Cannibal Rabbits! I declared. Virgo shook her head in disbelief, probably thinking: how could anyone be this amazing? I laughed again, and then surveyed what everyone esle was eating. Leo was finished, but he and Gemini had been sharing sushi, Things one, two and three were sharing that cannibal rabbit salad, Aqua and Pisces were just sipping smoothies, and everybody esle had either a hotdog, hamburger or poutine from our favourite store: New york fries. And yes, as I said, I had gone to Taco Bell and gotten my burrito. I guess I zoned out, because next thing I knew Virgo was calling:

"Time to go to clothes shops!" I gulped. Girls clothing shops are like hell on earth. great.

Hey guys, Im going to be in Florida for a week, so I might be posting less! Luv u and as always comment for ships and stuff! Bye!

- Charlotte (HesterGranger)

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