Chapter 18- Trust no one

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Back to POV's, except not the zodiac order this time. 


"What?" Leo blurted, looking shocked. Me, I still felt woozy, leaning heavily against Aries. I really like  her,  but I didn't know if I could trust her, or anyone, at this point. Aries could be an impostor, ready to kill me. But it's hard for me to think any of these people, that I've gotten really close to over the weeks, are out to destroy the world, but prophecies don't lie. However, there are some details that I think are pretty essential to know. First off, when was the sign captured. Was it recently? Or had they been here the entire time? Because if it had been recently, I know how we can clear some names. Either way, I think I can clear Aries. I've literally seen her every waking moment, and there wouldn't have been a moment for her to be captured. The same is true of Capricorn, Virgo and Cancer. Those three knew each other from their old school, too, and never leave each other's sides. But then, I suppose that would apply to almost everyone. We stick together. 

However, I think out of all of us, Taurus or Leo are probably the most likley. Taurus, because he collasped before me, but he didn't have any prophecies. What if that was just a cover for some shapeshifter to grab him and turn into him or something? Of course, for Leo, when he was waking home from the party the other night. He could have easily been Kidnapped and replaced. 

I stumbled, and Aries grabbed me, her long red hair mixing with my curly black locks. I leaned into her harder, and she wrapped her tan arms around my waist, pulling me closer to her. For some, strange reason, my stomach started feeling like it did on a roller coaster. But in a good way. I'm not sure what this is. Alright, there's no point in lying. I'm a closeted Lesbian, and the only person who knows is Gemini. And although I'm sure my feeble attempt at lying didn't convince you, I'll say it. I like Aries. in a romantic way. However,right now is not a great time to get romantically involved, seeing as any of the eleven other signs could, well, be an evil guy in disguise. Ahhhh, why couldn't our lives be normal? "Alright, well, that's....certainly not good. Um, Principal Stars, could you tell us more information? Such as when the real zodiac was kidnapped?" Virgo's voice broke through the melancholy thoughts I'm sure everyone was thinking.  Principal Stars nodded curtly. "Yes, girl. The kidnapping would have occurred earlier today." Virgo frowned. "With all due respect, how do you know?" She enquired. Principal Stars avoided Virgo's eyes. "Don't question me, girl. Now, leave. And know this: You must decode the prophecy, and save the captured sign. But most of all: You must trust no one, not even each other. Be on your guard, Zodiacs." And with that, she ushered us out of the room. 


I'll say it. I'm shocked. I hate the feeling of not being able to trust the people I love the most. That's when it hit me. An awesome idea. Principal Stars said the kidnapping happened today. Obvioulsy, the kidnapper would ask obvious questions, such as "what's her last name, or how old is she" So they would remain hidden. But what if I asked them questions so random, the kidnapper couldn't possibly know? That way, I can eliminate suspects one by one. Obviously, I'm starting with my besties. "Hey, Cappy. What's my brothers' favourite color?" I asked. She blinked, obviously confused as to why I was asking her this. "That's a trick question. You don't have a brother." That's correct. I grinned. "Alright. Can-Can, what's my sister's favorite color?" Capricorn grinned as well, catching onto to what I was doing. Cancer smiled. "Unless I'm very much mistaken, it's dark brown." Also correct. Don't ask about the dark brown thing. "Come on, let's go quiz the other signs!" I said. Capricorn nodded. "Good idea,by the way." I winked, and took off down the hall towards Taurus, Leo and Aqua's room. I knocked on the door, and it was flung open by Taurus. Without even giving him a moment to say hi, I asked: "Hey Taur, what sport do I play?" He blinked, confused. "Soccer, why?" I grinned. "Correct. Which position?" Looking confused, he answered "Right Wing, and before you ask, you plan on trying out for the school team, and your number is three, and your favorite colors are navy blue and banana yellow." I smiled. He had passed the test. Beside me, Cancer was pestering Leo, and Cap, Aqua. " At the party, who smuggled the acholol?" I listened closer, seeing as I didn't know the answer to this either. Leo looked embarrased. "Pretty sure it was Sag.Why?" Remind me to punish a certain centaur later. "What's Libra's favourite animal?" Capricorn barked at Aquarius. He shrugged. "Dunno." Capricorn nodded in satisfaction. "Good, she told me she didn't have one. Alright, these three are clear." We nodded, and the three of us took off down the hall to see Aries, Libra and Gemini. 


"How could this happen? The plan was perfect?" Capricorn groaned. Everyone had passed our test. Which means A) The kidnapper somehow knew a really random question, B) They guessed, or C) they could somehow read minds. "Wait, Vi, we didn't check you." Capricorn pointed out. I nodded. "Give me your worst." Capricorn grinned evily. "When we were ten, what was the name of our secret launguage, and say something to me in it." I sighed. "Cap, our launguage was called CapCanVirgish.  Dna On, nrocirpac, i ma tneconni. I ma ton eht reppandik, I esimorm. no ym retsiss' efil. s'ti em, ogriv. (If you can decode their secret launguage, tell me in the comments. IT actully pretty easy to figure out lol.) Capricorn sighed. "Perfect, and on point, as always. Can, she's clear as well. Someone must have cheated the test." "Is there anyone who was so perfectly on point that it couldn't have been?" Cancer asked. I nodded. "Ya, Taur. He added on to my question, so it couldn't be mind reading or anything, since I literally wasn't thinking anything about what he said." Capricorn shook her head.  "Any of the people I interviewed could have been reading my mind." Cancer nodded. "Same." "Well, at least I know it isn't one of you guys. The questions I asked you were completley unorthodox, and Cancer, I do, in fact, have a brother,he's just a dog, so I was going for that answer, but yours counts. Capricorn,  I was thinking just brown,but dark brown is perfect." Cancer gave me the evil eye. "Oh, please. I  wasn't going to talk about your dog." I gave her the evil eye right back. "Don't make fun of Smuffernickle!" I grabbed a pillow and began hitting her, Capricorn howling with laughter beside us.

At least I can trust my best friends. 

I think. 

- So that's it for now! Who do you think isn't the real sign? Guesses in commment section-------Also, why would Virgo name her dog Smuffernickle? And why is her sister's favourite color dark brown? Good question, they just came to me lol. Thanks for all my voters and commenters. Luv y'all!

-Charlotte (HesterGranger) 

Oh ya, and I'm going to post an all about me soon. I don't care if you want it or not, hahaha,becuase it'll be fun! 

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