Chapter 16- Sweet, Sweet, Revenge. Or, Not?

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"Let's put Green dye in his shampoo."  Aries was still fuming, sitting on the bus with Libra and Gemini. "Alright that's enough. We'll do the thing we planned in  Surviving Battle and that'll be that." Virgo interceded. "I want to ruin his hair too, but I also don't want to get expelled." Gemini looked up. "She's right. As long as you guys give me the frying pan. Today, I'm Rapunzel."Taurus nodded. "And If you need any help convincing the professor, call me. I'm very popular with the ladies." He smirked, and Virgo smacked him on the arm. "Oh, Please." Virgo said, smirking as Taurus tried, and failed, to do a hair flip. Pisces smiled. "Alright, you two. That'll do.  Remind me the plan again? It's getting complicated."  He said. Sagittarius grinned deviously. 

"Well, dear Pisces, the plan is this. Gemini will charm-speak Ophiuchus into letting us go 11vs1 on Leo, for todays thingy. That way we won't get in trouble. And Then? The Earth signs have their magic earthy things they refuse to speak of-" The Earth signs grinned mischievously.  "Me and Aries are gonna beat him up with our fists, Gem has her frying pan, and Aquari- Fairy, Library- Hey, that rhymes,  Can-can, Scorpy, and you, Pie, are going to do one of two things. A) Mess up his hair, face, and overall appearance, or B) go on lookout and call Gemini when Ophiuchus needs another dose of Charmspeak."     

 Everyone nodded, but Pisces saw Scorpio glare at him slightly. "Speaking of which, who would like a cookie? Gem? Vi?" Taurus asked, Waving them around. Gemini touched her stomach, and shook her head, but Virgo snatched one and took a massive bite. "Umd, Tawwwus dez ar gowd." She said, cookie still in her mouth. "Does anyone speak Gibberish?" Aquarius asked, smirking. Sagittarius nodded. "I, in fact, do. She said: Taurus, I love you so much! This cookie is almost as sweet as you!" Everyone, excluding Virgo and Taurus howled with laughter. The two earth signs lunged towards Sagittarius in their seats, and grabbed his arm. "YOU TWO IN THE BACK! LEAVE THE POOR BOY ALONE!" The bus driver croaked, glaring at the two of them. Sagittarius nodded, and said saucily. "Ya, leave me alone." Scorpio, who was beside the fire sign, grinned and poked Sag in the stomach. "There, Virgo." He said, as Sag doubled over in pain, groaning. She smiled. "Thanks,  Scorps. But Save that for Leo. Speaking of which, where is he? You don't think he's gonna skip school, do you? How else is he getting there?" 

Leo had called an uber. Unfortunately for him, the driver was one of those people who either couldn't or wouldn't shut up. The entire ride, she was bombarding him with questions, until finally she parked at the school and he stepped out of the car, thankful for air. With a jolt of nervousness, he remembered that he had surviving battle again, first class. With all the other signs. And Then History of the Stars, another class with all the other signs. Great. Leo sprinted inside the building and stopped at his locker. Virgo, whose locker was to his left, wasn't there, and neither was Libra, whose locker was  to his right. Resigning himself to an uncomfortable hour, both mentally and physically Leo slumped to Surviving Battle. He walked into Gemini talking intensely to Professor Ophiuchus, and the other signs choosing weapons. No one noticed him until he slunk up to the weapon table and grabbed a long sword and sturdy-looking shield.  "Hello, Leo." Libra finally said, ignoring his eyes. "Libra! What's up?" Leo said eagerly. He wasn't surprised the friendly, peace-loving air sign would be the first to talk to him. "Well, I've been comforting Gemini all night, trying to force her to eat something, and didn't get a wink of sleep. What about you?" She stalked away. Leo might have followed her, except Professor Ophiuchus walked away from Gemini and announced: "Today, we're going to practice an overload. It'll be one on twelve. So.....Lionel, you did decent yesterday. You will go first. Now, the rest of you, no serious injuries. Maidenel, you'll attack as well, but I'll also need you to be ready to fix him up in case someone gets carried away." Leo was terrified. One on eleven? No way he was going to escape this! Gemini must have done something to the professor to convince her. His best bet would be to plead his case with the three signs least likely to wish him harm: Libra, Pisces and Taurus. 

Libra was having second thoughts about this plan. She could tell almost everyone around her did too, except Aries, Sagittarius, Scorpio and Gemini herself. So when Leo practically begged her to forgive him, she couldn't refuse. "Fine, Leo. But I won't forgive you until you tell Gemini what you told me, and apologize. And buy her a lot of chocolate. Deal?" Leo nodded gratefully. "Libra, you coming?" Aries called, seeing as Libra and Leo were still at the weapons table. Libra nodded, and walked towards Aries. Leo, however, marched towards Gemini, who was avoiding his eyes. "Gem, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have cheated on you with Hydra, and I wouldn't have if I hadn't drunk that much. She took advantage of me, first of all, and second of all, I was under influence. If I could have been thinking straight, I never would have done that." Aries looked ready to attack, but she stared at Gemini for the verdict. The pretty Air sign's face was a mask of emotion, and Libra couldn't tell if she was about to punch Leo or kiss him. "Leo, I....." Gemini started. She was interrupted by Taurus suddenly collapsing, head smacking onto the ground and limbs going limp. 

Hahahahahahahahahaha. Two cliffhangers at once. Will Gemini forgive  Leo? Is Taurus okay? Why didn't Gemini accept a Taurus cookie? Maybe these questions will be answered next chapter. So, ya. Also, deaths are all planned. Maybe if you comment, I might change it, lol, but It's doubtful. Also, thanks to spacesoulxx for all of their help. It's awesome, and so are their ideas! That's it from me, and oh, ya, sorry Taurus's, it's Taurus season! I luv all you Taurus's so have fun, and happy late or early, or, who knows, maybe today's your actual  birthday! If it's coming up, comment and I'll mention it, and, who knows, maybe your zodiac character will too! 

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