Chapter one- Coming to the school

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Aries POV 

I swear, if I hear that dumb brown haired girl  laugh one more time, I'm going to kill her. Or, maybe not. The blonde and the dark haired girl next to her would kill me. Or  they would try, anyway. Before you ask, no, I'm not a violent person. Yes, maybe I have a violent mind, but I'm able to contain it. Most of the time. Enough about that, let's talk about what happened on this stupid torture session hell trip of a bus ride. 

All us constellations, and I'm assuming zodiacs were on the massive bus. I was sitting with Gemini, who I know from my old school. Across from us was a weird looking golden haired guy who was grinning at her. I guess he noticed my staring at him aggressively (No one gets near my friends!) So he introduced himself.  "Hi, I'm Leo Lionel." He said, extending his hand for me to shake. I laughed. "Leo Lionel? I'm guessing you're sign of the lion or something, that's the stupidest name I've ever heard." Instead of looking offended, like I'd hoped, he laughed as well. "You're funny. Yes, I'm sign of the lion. What about you?" I am many things, but anti social is not one of them. I smiled at him, in what I thought was a kind way. "I'm Aries Ramheart, and as my surname suggests, yes, I'm sign of the ram. How did you know I was a zodiac?" He, or I suppose, Leo, shrugged. "You just looked like one. You're very pretty, by the way." Immediately, I backed up. "Ya, I'm also gay, so shut the fuck up." Leo nodded. "Cool, Cool. Who's your friend?" Leo looked at bubbly Gemini, who I could tell was trying her very best not to explode, telling him anything and everything about herself. "Hi, I'm Gemini Duoface, Sign of the Twin. Nice to meet you."

 I'm not going to tell you how Leo looked at her after that, because I might actually be sick. He leaned across me, and grabbed Gemini's hand. "Pleasure, darling." I rolled my eyes, but I suppose this guy was relatively funny. Maybe we would even end up friends. Gemini looked like she was about to explode. The two of them might have continued flirting (Straight people. Like, seriously, get a fricken room!) If that brown haired girl hadn't spoke to me. "Hi, I overheard you're conversation. You said you are also a Zodiac?" I leaned forward, forcing Leo to let go of Gemini. "Yes! I am! Aries Ramheart, sign of the ram!" The girl smiled. "I'm Virgo Maidenel, Sign of the virgin." She gestured to the blond girl, who waved. "This is Cancer Crabclaw, my best friend. She's sign of the crab." Then the darker haired girl. "And That's Capricorn GoatFisher, My other best friend. She's sign of the goat- fish." I couldn't contain myself. "GOATFISH? CRAB? VIRGIN? These stars sure have weird shapes. Virgo bristled. "We didn't choose it. fine, be that way. Cappy, Cancer, want to play uno?" She turned away from me. 

Shit. I've already got someone mad at me. Gemini smirked at me, and tapped Virgo's shoulder. "You'll have to excuse her. I'm Gemini Duoface, sign of the twin. She's called my sign name weird before too, it's okay." Virgo smiled at her. "Nice to meet you Gemini. Tell your friend she'll have to apologize if she expects us-" She gestured to her friends again "- To be nice to her." Gemini looked at me pointedly. Gemini knows I hate apologizing. I couldn't help myself. "OH fuck no. I don't give shit if you're nice or not." Gemini looked angry at me, and I heard her apologizing to Virgo, Cancer and Capricorn. I then realized there was a chance we would be roommates. Shit. Why the fuck do I have to be so impulsive? Whatever, I'll apologize when we get inside.  Gemini, meanwhile, was deep in conversation with the Virgo girl. I saw Capricorn looking at Gemini with distaste. Honestly, I don't blame her. I'm pretty sure that's what I looked like when I first met Gemini. She seems like a lot sometimes, but she's actually super nice. Leo, who had been watching the entire conversation looked back at me. I could tell he was really trying not to laugh. He interrupted Gemini and Virgo's conversation. "Hey honey, I'm Leo Lionel, sign of the lion. What's up?" Now It was Virgo's turn to look distasteful, and mine to try not to laugh. Leo realized his mistake right away, but didn't care to correct himself. Virgo clearly didn't like random idiots flirting with her. Hey, I don't much care if random strangers like me, and clearly Leo doesn't either. Finally, Finally, after listening to Gemini and Leo flirt and the sounds of the three girls play uno, I saw a massive building in front of us! 


Taurus POV

Fuck, I hate busses. Motion sickness, you aren't allowed to eat, the whole bundle. Before you think I'm some sort of food obsessed idiot, I'm really not. I'm just starving right now. Hey, at least I met Aquarius Bearer my new best friend. When we finally saw the school,   Aquarius, who was next to me in the very front of the bus grinned. "Taurus, we're here! Finally! Freedom! This wasn't a government conspiracy to capture people with weird powers!" Aquarius is weirdly cool. I love it. Oh ya, I should mention, all of us zodiacs (I've only met Aquarius so far, but I'm pretty sure there is 12.) Have magical powers. I have teleportation, and earth manipulation, and Aquarius can, like, melt into the air or something and control the air. 

Anyways, the bus stopped in front of the school, and Aquarius and I stood up, and walked off. This really old woman was standing in front of us with a clipboard. She seemed to be in charge, so I walked up to her. "Hello, are you in charge here?" I asked. She nodded, and said with a surprisingly strong voice. "Yes, I'm Principal Stars. Name?" "Taurus Bulliev." I said. She seemed surprised. "A zodiac, then. Fine. Powers or abilities?" She asked me. "Teleportation and earth manipulation." I said. It felt like she was scanning me, her dark eyes stared closely into my forest green ones. At last, she nodded. "Room 110, with Aquarius Bearer and Leo Lionel. Go there right away, there's a map in the front hall, and an elevator to take you there." Yes! I'm with Aquarius, and some rando! I walked slowly towards the castle, and heard Aquarius doing the same process behind me. At last, he caught up. "Thank fuck we're roommates. No way I would have been able to get close with someone else so fast. Shitty we have to share though" He said cheerfully, giving me his hand for a high five. I slapped it, and we walked into the huge school together. 

When I say huge, I bet you're picturing your school, maybe a bit bigger. Picture Hogwarts, make it black and shiny with less towers, and bam! You've got the school. For those of y'all who aren't potter heads like me (Insert disappointed  head shake here. I'm just kidding. I am a lot of things, but I don't judge. however, you really should read it.) It's basically a massive castle. The inside? Basically a more modern Hogwarts. I'm only stopping with the Harry Potter references if I get a girlfriend. So, never. Anyways, The inside was not any less extravagant. Aquarius and I walked towards the massive map on the wall, and located our elevator. Just before we walked in, I heard a girl behind us say "Looks like a more modern version of Hogwarts!" I whirled towards her. "You're a Potter Head?" She grinned. "Yes, I'm a proud Ravenclaw." I take back the part about not getting a girlfriend. I already have a soulmate, she just needs to realize it. I grinned right back at her. "Same! I'm a hufflepuff! I'm Taurus Bulliev, by the way. Sign of the bull."  "Virgo Maidenel. Sign of the Virgin." She responded, and waved dismissively at her friends behind her, who were making weird puckered up lip faces.  And she was another zodiac? Luck is on my side today. "Nice to meet you, Virgo." I said, still smiling ear to ear. Before I could say any more, Aquarius yanked me into the now open elevator with him. He was smiling too. "Someone's gotta crush!" I blushed. "What? No!" Let's just say if Aquarius had a lie detector, it would be beeping like mad. Just then, I realized what Virgo's friends had been doing. Kissy faces. Shit, I've got it bad, and I've barely met her. Great. 

So that's that chapter, hope you liked it! I know youve just met Virgo and Taurus, but do u ship them? Gemini and Leo? Who? Who's ur fav character? Sorry for all the non-potter heads about the refrences, I myself am a huge potter head, and wanted to give Taurus and Virgo something fun to bond about. Anyways, bye! If ur sign wasn't mentioned, I promise they'll be in the next chapter! 

- Charlotte (or HesterGranger, whichever.) 

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