Happy Birthday!

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Gemini- Hey y'all, its me. 

Me- wait, Gemini, how the hell are you here? 

Gemini- I'm very talented. Also, I wanted to say happy birthday to one of this book's biggest supporters. 

Me- Gem, her birthday was the 16th, I was at my soccer tournament. 

Gemini- Well, duh.  I wanted to wish you happy belated birthday, @spacesoulxx.

Me- Oh. Well, that was the purpose of this part as well, but.....

Gemini- See, I knew it. Anyways, I've got to go before Aries and Libra notice I'm gone, and so I have time to think of an excuse to tell Virgo. 

Me- Alright, bye. Um, next time, bring Virgo and Aries and Libra please, I wanna meet them in person.

Gemini *Scoffs* I'm only here to wish her a happy birthday, I wouldn't be here otherwise. Anyways, I really, really need to go. 

Me- Okay, then. Um, bye. 

Gemini- see ya, suckers! and happy birthday 

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