Chapter 19- Gemini's Diary

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After the three musketeers were running around earlier, I had a mission. Even though it was technically an invasion of property, I was going to check Gemini's diary. I needed to know if she was evil, since  I wasn't, and I have a sneaking suspicion that she's hiding something. So I needed to find that diary. ASAP. I also needed help, preferably from an air sign. Libra would be stubborn and not helpful, as she is a "Trust person." and even though Aquarius is too, I'm sure he's noticed that Gem isn't being herself. So, step one of the plan is to find Aqua. I tip-toed to our room, and let myself in. Luckily,I, saw Aqua sitting on a couch,on his phone. "Hey, Aquari- Fairy." I grabbed his phone and looked at what he was watching. "Hey, give it!" He whined, grabbing at the phone. It was nothing interesting, he was just stalking people on Tiktok (aka Hydra,disliking all her posts. a little extreme,but to each his own.) I gave his phone back. "Anyways, I need help." I filled him in on the plan. To my surprise, he nodded right away. "I agree,and I know how we can get the diary. However, we've got to be quick, because don't we have soccer tryouts soon?" I didn't know there was soccer tryouts, and I was hopeless at soccer, but of course, I was going to go watch Virgo and them. Who knows,maybe I'll try out for goalkeeper or something.  I nodded. "let's go." 

I'm not going to explain mine and Aqua's little adventure. Let's skip to the good part. Aqua and me were standing in Gemini, Aries and libra's room (please, don't ask how the hell we got in there.) I found her diary hidden under the bed, and was about to open it, when the loudspeaker blared: "soccer tryouts are now. Could all interested persons report to the backfield. Aqua glanced at me, and I pocketed the diary, taking off down the hallway towards the back field. When we arrived, panting, and I saw the rocket hard balls that Virgo, Capricorn, Scorpio, and Surprisingly, Libra, were firing at the net, I decided against Goalie. I want to keep all my limbs, thanks. "I don't want to tryout, but do you want to go watch it? I see Taur and Sag up there."I nodded happily, and climbed up the bleachers to join the other signs. When up there, I noticed everyone but Gemini were also watching. Huh. I wonder where she went. I shrugged, and concentrated on the tryout. "ALRIGHT! BRING IT IN, BRING IT IN!" The Coach, or our professor Draco, yelled. All the people trotted over. during my brief period with Hydra, I remembered that she had toold me she played soccer, as well. It was suprising that she wasn't there. After a while, when it was getting boring, and the players were just passing the ball back and forth and doing running drills and stuff, I grabbed Gem's diary. Taking a deep breath, I opened it. I skimmed the page that had been read most recently, and gasped. Well, at least I know she isn't the kidnapper. It's so, so much worse. I jumped to my feet and sprinted back inside the school, and out the front door. Why? Because of this. 

Dear Diary, 

there's a kidnapper among us, and I'm scared.What if it's Leo? Then I really wont be able to tell him anything. Even worse, what if it's Libra or Aries? The two of them heard me sobbing the other night, they'll find some way to turn my little problem to their advantage. God, I'm starving. But hey, beauty is pain. and Hydra's right.I defenitley need to lose weight, and a lot of it, too. so I'm going to go for another run. I've got all the shit I need. When I look like a model, then'll I'll see if I can solve this problem. Not before. 



I had been paired up with Virgo,and the two of us were one-touching the ball back and forth easily. Finally, when we completed yet another perfect pass, it was time for a scrimmage. We were divided into teams, and this time, I was with all of my friends. I was assigned to center midfield, which was fine with me. Capricorn was behind me in Centreback, Virgo was right wing, and Libra was directly in front of me, playing striker. I'm not going to make you guys suffer through, play by play the game. However, seeing as there might be some people who care among you, I'll illusrate one play. It started back with Capricorn.She eaisly picked the ball off of some guy charging the net, and flicked the ball to me. I did a quick step over to lose my player, and then fired the ball a little bit ahead of Virgo, so she could run onto it. She did so, running towards the net, Libra at her side, Virgo faked a shot and then slid the ball to Libra, whose long, hard shot went straight into the net. Teamwork makes the dream work, ya? Anyways, after the tryout, Capricorn, Virgo, Libra and me left the field. we walked up to the bleachers to greet our friends only to see a panicked scene. Aquarius was muttering something about a diary, Aries and Sagittarius were bickering about something, Pisces was talking seriously with Cancer and Taurus, and Leo and Gemini were gone. "What the hell happened?" I asked. Aquarius, who seemed to know the most about whatever happened, stepped forwards. "Well, me and lee thought Gemini was hiding something, so we wanted to look at her diary to make sure she wasn't the kidnapper. leo was bored, so he opened it, and then he gasped, and darted out of this place. so either he's going to confront her about something, or he read something else that is seriously wrong." Uh oh. I'm not especially close to the bubbly air sign, but even I noticed she's been going on the decline latley. So that's why, when Virgo suggested going to find Leo and Gemini, I agreed. 

We were running down the street, since Capricorn had reported Gemini's POV to be running. Taurus had tried to teleport further down, but he couldn't find them. Finally, after most of us were fucking exhausted, we saw Leo. "Hey, King Idiot!" Aries called. Leo's head whipped around, and he waved. "hey, guys! Please leave me alone!" I was about to protest,and I saw Aries, Aqua, and Libra looking like they wanted to, too, until Virgo jerked her head towards us. We gathered around, and she whispered. "Taurus, teleport after Leo. Cap, keep us posted with the POV's. No point following them on foot. I had to admit, grudgingly, that she was right. I did not want to keep running, and it was a smarter idea in general to allow Capricorn and Taurus to do the work. So we sat down, and waited for Capricorn to see something important. And that's when she started sobbing. 

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That's the end of the chapter. I know I've said it for a while, but I will post an all about me soon. Also, what is up with Gemini? And who do you think is gonna die, and who is the kidnapper? Luv y'all!

-Charlotte (HesterGranger54) 

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