Chapter 15- The After School Party

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Taurus was, indeed, eating spaghetti. However, Capricorn quickly solved the mystery of how he got there. His powers had quickly progressed, and he had been able to teleport himself across the world. At least, that's what the proud earth sign told Virgo as they walked to the annual "First Day Back!" Dance and fiesta. "Wow, Taur, that's impressive. I don't suppose you brought any spaghetti back for me?" Virgo teased, nudging him. "No, but I can go get some, if you want." He said sheepishly. Virgo laughed. "No, idiot, I was kiddi- WOW, GEMINI,you look great!" She said, looking in shock at the airsign. Gemini looked self conscious, but smiled. "No way,you look like a model. I'm really glad they told us before that there was going to be an event, otherwise I'd still be in my joggers and ancient crop top!" Leo, who was beside her, laughed. "I liked your crop top!" Gemini smiled slightly, and sped up as she entered the dance. Virgo and Taurus linked arms, and scurried in after her. 

Capricorn was having fun with Virgo and Cancer, but she was kind of bored. Sure, Leo was behind her, chugging something or other and making stupid, drunk jokes (Capricorn really wasn't sure how someone managed to sneak alcohol into a highschool party, but she didn't care, so long as she didn't have to drag Leo back to his dorm) But what she really wanted to do was to be dancing with Aqua. Aquarius was currently dancing with Pisces and Taurus,  the three guys laughing and muttering to each other.  "So I decided to go throw a flamingo into a tub of ice cream with a -t-r-rampoliiiiine in them!" Leo, from behind Cap, Virgo and Cancer stuttered, giggling and leaning heavily against the table. Capricorn  whirled around to see him, talking to an equally drunk Sagittarius ,  a smirking Scorpio and  a mischievous looking Aries.  "Alright, Lee, I think that's enough of that, for now."  Virgo tugged the sloshing glass of alcohol out of Leo's hand, and set it back on the table. "No! I wanna...... wanna have....." Leo protested weakly, but stumbled back into the party. Capricorn copied Virgo and  quickly stole Sagittarius's drink as well, and the fire sign followed Leo. The two earth sign girls then turned on Aries and Scorpio.  "Come on, you two! You couldn't have stopped them?" Virgo barked, giving them both the evil eye. Aries shrugged. "Meh, it was more fun to record them talking about flamingos swimming in ice cream, I think." Scorpio snickered. "Agreed." Capricorn sighed. "I don't care, but I'm not on clean up duty when we get back to the dorms." Scorpio saluted the two, grabbed Sagittarius's glass, and charged to find him. Aries mimicked him. Virgo sighed. "Oh, well. The worst that can happen is that they'll be hungover and puke." 

Little did she know, that was far from the worst that could happen. Gemini was hanging out with Libra, drinking a responsible amount of liquor, and giggling about all the various ships and things. "Gem, Let's go grab some brownies and things, kay?" Gemini hesitated, but nodded reluctantly. Libra had just loaded her plate and was passing Gemini a brownie, and the latter was about to bite into her brownie when disaster struck. 

Leo was extremely drunk. He was walking around the dance floor and waving at random people. So when a girl walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, he grabbed her back, passionately kissing her back. Leo thought it was Gemini for about ten seconds, before realizing the girl between his arms had slimmer shoulders and was much shorter. Much to his guilt, even after realizing it wasn't Gemini, he kept going, before eventually leading her onto the dance floor. Gemini watched in horror as he eventually led her out of the room, and Libra, who had grabbed onto Gemini, looked more angry than she'd ever been. "VIRGO! ARIES! AQUARIUS!  COME HERE!" She yelled. The two girls and Aquarius came scurrying over, looking concerned. "What's up?" Virgo asked. "Leo cheated on Gemini. We're going to confront him." Libra said grimly. Aries looked seriously pissed, and Aquarius hugged Gemini. "Hey, it's gonna be okay!" But Gemini didn't look sad, she looked nervous, angry, guilty. "Come on, Vi, Libs, let's go. Aqua, stay here with Ge-Ge." Aries said, willing her hand to light on fire, and looking demonic.  Gemini looked up. "I told you not to call me that!" She said, smiling weakly. Aries smiled, and marched off, Virgo and Libra at her sides.

"Where did he go, Libby?" Virgo asked, her own hand playing with what looked like a twig of poison ivy. Libra guestered, and the three girls tiptoed to the empty classroom, before peeking their heads in. Aries whipped her head back so she couldn't see what was happening. "Wish I hadn't seen that. Do you want to interrupt?" She asked, her hand lighting up again. "No, we can't do anything magical, the girl can't know. Did you see who the other person was?" Virgo asked. Aries nodded, gnashing her teeth. "Ya, Hydra. I used to like her, but not anymore. She knows that Gem was dating Lee." Virgo looked devastated. "oh my god, Gem. What are we going to say to her?" Libra shrugged helplessly. "I don't want to lie. I guess we'll have to tell her." Aries couldn't take it anymore. She grabbed a chair from outside the classroom, and threw it inside. "Come on. I hope I nailed Leo in the dick." The three booked it down the hallway. "Um, Aries, you've known Gemini the longest, I think maybe you should tell her." Libra said nervously. Aries nodded. "Kay. Virgo, we might need your healing powers on hand for me and or Leo." Virgo gnashed her teeth. "Nope. I can't wait to beat his ass in Surviving Battle tomorrow. I'm going to kill him." Aries grinned. "My mom said revenge is a dish best served cold, but I believe that revenge is best served boiling hot!" Her hand caught fire again. Libra sighed. "I can't stop you two from getting revenge, can I." Virgo and Aries shook their heads. "And Cappy and Can will be helping as well." The three made it back to the gym and prepared themselves both mentally and physically to talk to Gemini. 

Pisces was pissed at Leo. Poor Gemini was sobbing in Aquarius's arms, the latter trying his best to comfort her.  (The two had become really close.) After Aries had broken the news to Gemini, all eleven remaining zodiacs were plotting Leo's bloody death. Eventually, the party broke up and Pisces was trying to keep Sagittarius from storming out of the room with the steak knife he'd found. "Sag, Virgo and Aries are already plotting revenge, and your not actually going to kill him. He was drunk, and you were too." Sagittarius had completely recovered after puking, and his eyes were glowing with purple fire. "Fine. But I'm going to be part of this revenge planning. It's not like I'm especially close with Gemini, but I hate,  hate disloyal people." Pisces breathed a silent sigh of relif as Sagittarius put the knife down. "Is it safe to come out now? Is he barfing anymore?" Scorpio called from the bathroom. Pisces rolled his eyes. "Yes, fine." Scorpio came out, and the three boys changed in silence and flopped down onto their beds, knocked out cold within seconds.

Leo was walking back from the party, seeing as the other zodiacs hadn't gotten him an uber (But could he blame them, really?) He felt bad, but honestly thought they were overracting. On his phone, he had one new contact (Hydra) but the contacts for  Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, Gemini and Libra were all blocked. He did have two new messages: 

Aquari- Fairy ✨

Aquarius- Don't bother coming back to the room tonight. Taurus and I are using your bed as a storage cabinet. 

Leo felt crushed. he felt that Aquarius would be the least mad, but apparently not. He also had a message from Virgo:

Mom 😇

Virgo- We left without you. Find your own way back. Figure some way else to get to school tomorrow, and somewhere else to sleep. None of us wants to see you. 

Leo sighed. Well, seems like the other zodiacs weren't the great friends he thought they were going to be, but that was okay. Leo could make new friends. After all, he was the mighty lion, the best of them all. 

Leo s: I'm sorry, I know he's a bitch, but he may or may not redeem himself eventually. Also, thanks so so much to  @spacesoulxx   for you help for this idea, and for the ideas that are coming in the next chapters! You are awesome! on a much less happy note, all three deaths are planned out. I'm open for suggestions, but only for  a couple more chapters, since I need to start twisting the events. Okay? Lol, awesome! Luv y'all. And, also, I have a question: Which ship should start sailing next? Should Leo get back with Gemini? And most important: Will Virgo and Aries kill Leo? 


-Charlotte (HesterGranger) 

P.S- I know I asked before, but I got no response. Do we want pictures from pinterest of the character? Or no? (I swear, my pinterest search history is going to be wild.) 

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