Chapter 10- The Party

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Capricorn POV 

We were halfway to the pool when Leo dropped the bomb that he had invited other people to our party, Virgo, who might I mention, looked amazing, suddenly looked self conscious. "Leo! I've barely met all of you, and it already seems like I've known you for decades. But more people! I would have bought a one piece swimsuit"  Leo shrugged. "Don't worry mother,  you look great. Not as amazing as Gemini, but pretty darn amazing." Virgo rolled her eyes, and Gemini blushed. "Even so, I thought this was going to be a bonding experience. Between the twelve of us. " Aquarius pointed out.  "Well, sorry, but it's not like I can uninvite them now. We can still hang out." 

Then suddenly Sagittarius screeched, in a voice so high, and so loud,  I  wouldn't have thought it possible for a human to make. "We're HEEERE!" Scorpio, who had been sitting next to him in the passenger seat, winced slightly. "Could you be any higher ? I don't think they heard you on Mars." Sag nodded. "I can indeed go higher. Wanna hear?" "Yes, actually, since if you go any  higher only dogs will be able to hear you. No, you idiot, Shut the fuck up, please." Aquarius added. His dry sarcasm is very cute, I must say. However, you better not expect me  to be simping over him like a pathetic little princess. It's just a harmless crush, and will probably go away soon. I'd gotten so caught up in my thoughts (NOT SIMPING, JUST HARMLESS THOUGHTS) That I hadn't heard everyone else get out of the car, causing me to have to clamber out of the car awkwardly behind Virgo. "Hey, Corny, you good?" She asked, looking at me  slightly suspiciously. When she caught who I was looking at, she smirked. "Cappy, never would have thought you would have been a simp. Clear that smart little brain of yours and lets go destroy the boys in some pool games. Kay?" I nodded happily, and followed her beside the pool. 

Leo, Aqua, Pisces, Aries, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Cancer and a bunch of other constellations were playing pool volleyball in one half of the pool, while Libra and Gemini were floating around and laughing about something or other. However, I didn't see Taurus, and I scanned the pool area. "Virgo, where's Taurus?" I asked,seeing her doing the same. All of the sudden, I saw movement behind her, and she fell flying into the pool. "Found him!" I  announced to Virgo when she emerged, spitting water out of her mouth and glaring playfully at her fellow Earth sign. "I just thought you ladies might need some help getting into the pool, and I was delighted to oblige." He made a mock bow, and was about to shove me in as well before I dodged out of the way and jumped in. He jumped in after me, creating a massive splash, almost landing on top of Virgo, before she squealed and swam quickly out of the way. "Taurus, you idiot! Leave me alone!" I smiled to myself,  and swam away, letting Virgo's voice fade away, and let the two of them flirt and play together. I wanted to find Cancer, and see if her and Pisces were together. They were indeed, and they were laughing together, still destroying the opponents on the volleyball fields. . I smiled again. I know me and the eleven of them had only known them for a couple of days, but I really like these people. And it was nice to see my best friends so happy, together with the people they liked. And I wanted to be with the guy I liked as well, so I breast stroked up too the volleyball court, smiling. I'm not a simp, but I resigned to the fact that I am now simping. Even if I've only known the guy for three days. 

Aquarius POV 

You probably think I'm a weirdo because of all the other chapters. All the government conspiracy theories and stuff. But I'm really not stupid, I'm actually technically gifted. I guess you could say I hide my intelligence under a veil of humour. And weirdness. Kind of like Qibli from Wings of fire, except he actually cares what everyone thinks of him. I don't care about how anyone thinks of me. Well, that isn't exactly true. I care about two people. Taurus, and her. Taurus, because he's my best friend, and I would do anything for him. And her? Because she's the only one who sees through my veil.  We've  hardly talked, but she just looks at me differently. I smacked myself in the head,  knocking myself back into form, and smacked the ball over the net again, getting the game point.  Leo, who was playing on the other side of the net, splashed me from the other side of the net. "Aquari- Fairy, how are you so good at this? Shit! You and Capricorn are destroying this court!" I smiled, and shrugged. "Dunno, King Idiot. Hydra's half decent, but I'm not sure why you would choose to play with Sag. He's so short, he can hardly touch the bottom of the pool!"  Hydra laughed. "You kidding? He's been treading the entire game, he can't touch the bottom  at all!" 

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