Chapter 3- Romance and Pillows

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I think Cancer thinks this is a hard dare, but the amount of times I've had to do this in a game of truth or dare is insane. I grinned around the room, and started walking dramatically towards the girls'side of the circle. I stopped in front of Gemini. Yes, for all of those idiots that couldn't figure it out, She is obviously my crush. The funny thing is, she didn't even look surprised. I sat down next to her, and kissed her. When we finished, I saw Cancer and her  two friends, Virgo and Capricorn, high five each other. "Ship number one has sailed!" Cancer declared. Shit. Of course those three are shipping everyone. "Hey, Thing One." I said to Cancer. "It's my turn. Truth or dare, Thing Two?" Virgo looked torn. Finally she said. "Truth, only because I don't want to kiss someone." I grinned evilly, and asked. "Do you like anybody?" "Ya, I like all of you. You're my friends." She said innocently. But I knew better. "You know what I mean. Do you have a crush on anybody?" She looked away. "Okay, fine. Yes, I do." 

She deliberately didn't look at anybody, but I saw her, for a fraction of a second, look at one of my roommates. Taurus, I think it was? Well, let me tell you something. She's not the only one that can ship people. 

Then it was Thing Two's turn. "Hey, Scorpio. Truth or dare?" The goth guy sighed. "Shit. Fine, Dare, because I don't want to do anything related to a crush." Virgo smiled, but she didn't look mean. Sigh. I'll have to train her in the ways of giving evil dares. "Run shirtless through the halls, and if you see anyone, you have to wink at them." Everyone looked shocked, myself included. Maybe she should train me! Scorpio face palmed. "Fine." He ripped his shirt off. I couldn't help but notice my fellow fire sign, Sagittarius, couldn't keep his eyes off Scorpio. Ship alert. Capricorn, Thing Three, pulled out her phone, and filmed him running through the hall. Another constellation, Hydra, if I remember correctly , was reading on a bench. Scorpio winked at her, but he didn't seem very enthusiastic. Hydra looked extremely confused. Poor Child. He came back. "Remind me to kill you later." Scorpio glared at Virgo, who winked at him. He put his shirt back on. "Sagittarius, truth or dare?" 

"Truth. Hydra already thinks we are psychopaths, I don't want to prove her right by doing another stupid dare." Scorpio nodded. "Kiss, Marry, Kill Leo, Me, Libra." Sagittarius laughed. "Kiss Libra, Marry Scorpio, Kill Leo." That little shit is going to get it.  I stood up and glared playfully at him. "Offended." He had the good sense to run away when he saw me grab a pillow from Virgo's bed. "Pillow Fight!" Gemini shrieked, and grabbed another pillow. "Hey, guys, stop!" Virgo tried to calm everybody down, but that wasn't happening. "Sorry, Mother! I need to punish my fellow fire sign!" I yelled, and began chasing Sagittarius around the room. Virgo rolled her eyes, but grabbed a pillow as well. When I finally caught up to the purple haired sign, he had acquired a pillow from somewhere, and we began whacking each other's heads. I love having friends.


Virgo POV 

Leo isn't wrong when he calls me, Cancer and Capricorn Thing 1, Thing 2 and Thing 3. I've known these girls for my whole life, and I'm really glad we're roommates. He also isn't wrong when he calls me mother, and Capricorn "Other mother." Her and I have always been the responsible ones. But even responsible people have to have fun sometimes, so that's why I gave Scorpio that awesome dare. Hey, we need to get our ships sailing, and since Cancer had set Leo and Gemini up, it was my turn to help Scorpio and Sag. Anyways, being mature also doesn't mean you can't hit your friends with pillows. Ah, how revenge is sweet. Aries and I are both   lucky the pillows  are  super soft, because both of our heads got hit. A lot. I think maybe I'll end up friends with her, maybe everyone here, which I'm glad about. Finally, when one of our pillows burst from the pressure, Aries called "Hey Virgo? Girls truce, Kay? Let's go get those boys!" I grinned. "You're on! Let's go!" Cancer and Capricorn heard us, and ran up, both armed with pillows. Sagittarius and Leo were our first Victims, followed by Pisces, then Taurus and Aquarius. 

Finally, when the clock struck midnight (Okay, It didn't actually strike, it isn't Cinderella, but  you know what I mean) I ended the mess. "Okay, that was fun, but it's curfew." "Come on Mother!!!! I wanna play more truth or daaaaarre!" Sagittarius whined. I sighed. "Fine, but don't blame me if Principal Stars gets us in trouble." "YAY! Libra, truth or dare?" Libra looked a bit nervous. She hadn't spoken once, but gulped. "Um, Dare. But please, nothing too difficult?" Sagittarius grinned. "Oh, don't worry. I dare you to go down into the Cafeteria and get us some food. We never got to eat anything, and I'm starving." Oh, poor Libra. Of course Sagittarius would get her to do that, the little shit. Libra looked a little bit scared, but nodded. "Fine, but Aries  and Virgo are  coming with me."  What? Now I'm getting dragged into this? "Hey-" But Sagittarius nodded. "Okay. Bring me back some food." With a sigh, I trekked after Aries and Libra. "Come on, let's do this quickly. I don't want to get in trouble." Libra said. Aries grinned. "I have a much better idea. Why don't we sneak back there and prank Sagittarius, pretend to be a ghost or something? Then we can bring them back  and pretend like we were never there." I'm not going to lie and say I didn't want to. "Okay, fine." I said. Libra looked at me in surprise, but she was smiling. "Alright, fine. Let's prank him." She said. 

Thanks for reading, and comment if you want any ships or anything! Thanks to all of you who are reading!

- Charlotte (HesterGranger) 

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