Chapter 12- The Date(s)

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Before you get all worried, Sagittarius didn't actually kill anyone. He just "Accidentally" shoved Virgo into the pool when he thought she was too close to Scorpio. The little shit just wanted to end his chapter with a bang. 

"Can-Can, Pisces is here.  You ready?" Virgo called. Cancer clomped out of their shared room in high heels and a long teal dress. "Wow, you look great. If you need anything, Capricorn and I will be there in ten seconds flat, kay? Have so much fun, and see you after!" Virgo smiled at her best friend, and nodded at Pisces before going back into their room. "Cap, it's time!" She called. Little did Cancer know, Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo and Scorpio were going to spy on their date, make sure that nothing happened to either of them. (And make sure that Cancer was treated like an absolute queen) Capricorn nodded, and she whipped out four bucket hats and fake moustaches. Virgo rolled her eyes. "Cap, there is absolutely no way I'm wearing that, much less in public, and much, much less in Taurus's presence." She complained, dodging a grinning Capricorn who tried to stick the moustache on. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and Virgo flung it open to see Taurus and Scorpio. "Remind me again why we are doing this?" Scorpio asked, glancing at the earth sign girls. "First of all, it will be fun, second of all, we need to be there to beat the fuck out of Pisces if he does anything wrong." Capricorn said casually, passing the water sign a bucket hat and a moustache. 

With a sigh, Scorpio stuck them both on, followed by Capricorn, Taurus, and finally a grumbling Virgo. "Alright, let's go. If we get caught, you two are taking the blame." Scorpio nodded towards Virgo and Capricorn, who both nodded. 

Meanwhile, Gemini and Leo were getting ready for a date of their own. "It's not a date, Sag, We're just hanging out at an arcade. Alone. Together. In fancy clothes. And I bought her flowers." Said a flustered Leo, trying to slap the certain purple haired devil who was currently taunting him. "Lee, you literally just described a date. Go kick butt, and don't come back until you two are a couple, okay?" Leo grinned as he darted out of the room. "Bye!" 

 "Alright, Sag, let's go spy on them!" Called Aries, who somehow managed to sneak outside of the room that Leo, Aqua and Taurus shared. "Ari, have you been listening the entire time?" Asked Sagittarius, practically bouncing with excitement. "Yes." Aries answered, with absolutely no shame in her voice." Sag shrugged. "I'm shocked that I'm saying this, but why are we spying on the date?" Aries grinned wickedly. "blackmail purposes. You don't think I'm going to pass up the chance to snap a nice photo of the two of them making out? Dipshit better watch out." Sag grinned, seeing her logic, and the two fire signs  snuck out into the hall, only to see four (Very badly disguised) Earth and Water signs. What are you two doing here?" Asked a moustached Virgo, looking suspiciously at Sagittarius. "I could ask the same of you. Why, in the motherfucking universe are you wearing fake moustaches?" Aries smirked. "Fine. We're going to spy on Pisces and Cancers' date." Confessed Capricorn. Aries looked shocked. "Huh. We're going to spy on Leo and Gem's date !" "I'm sorry, what? Leo and Gem are dating?"  Virgo gasped. Sag nodded smugly. "Well, good luck, you four, and report back with some gossip!" He said, saluting. Scorpio rolled his eyes, and the four bucket hatted signs took off. 

"Finally.Here." Panted Scorpio, sitting down on one of the benches outside of the restaurant. "Remind me again why we didn't call a taxi?" Asked Virgo grumpily, tugging on her bucket hat.  "Because Aqua and Libs, who are the only ones not involved in this, were standing at the main exit, so we couldn't, or they would have spotted us. " said an equally grumpy Taurus. Capricorn, who was the only one still smiling, marched into the restaurant, bold as brass. "Hello, could we get a table for four, please?" She said. The restaurant owner looked at her very strangely, but nodded, and led Virgo, Scorpio Taurus and Capricorn over to the table. Much to the spying signs luck, it was right next to Pisces and Cancer, who were deep in conversation. "Wow, Cancer, I never knew you were a swimmer. Which stroke is your favourite?" Pisces was saying. Cancer was about to respond, before she caught a glimpse of her friends. "Shit, shit , shit. Cancer has seen us." Virgo muttered, shoving her face into her menu like she was trying to decide what to order.  "Virgo, I know it's you. Come on." Cancer called. Virgo sighed, and moved the menu, ripping off the mustache and bucket hat. "Fine. We just wanted to make sure your date was going alright." she said sheepishly. Cancer laughed. "We're fine, don't worry." She said, looking sternly at Capricorn, who was still trying to pretend she was someone else. "We'd better be going, then." Scorpio said, grabbing Capricorn's arm and dragging her out of the restaurant. 

Meanwhile, at the arcade, Sagittarius and Aries were doing a lot better. In fact, they had already captured multiple photos, that, as a smirking Sagittarius said "Were going to be lots of fun to show everyone else later." At the moment, Gemini was destroying Leo at air hockey, and Aries and Sag were getting bored. "Seriously, Kiss or something. this is getting boring." complained Sagittarius. It was almost like they'd heard what Sagittarius said. When Gemini slid the winning goal into the air hockey net, Leo grabbed her in his arms and the two of them made out for a good three minutes. Aries grinned as she filmed the entire thing, before whispering to Sag "There date is ending in like ten minutes. We've gotta hightail it back or we are going to get caught. I wonder how Virgo and them are doing?" 

(P.S- If you haven't read Percy Jackson, you are going to be very confused. Tip- Look up Percabeth, Poseidon, Athena, Camp half blood, and Percy Jackson pancake scene)  

Virgo and them were doing okay. Scorpio had dragged Capricorn back home, but Taurus and Virgo figured there was no point wasting their table. They were just sitting there in awkward silence, before Taurus finally, finally got up the nerve to say something. "Have you read Percy Jackson and the heroes of Olympus and those series?" He asked. Virgo's head shot up, and she nodded enthusiastically. "I made Cap and Can read them too, so I have someone to talk to about it. Who's your godly parent?" she asked. Taurus didn't answer. "It's a little bit strange, especially since I'm an Earth Sign ruled by Venus, but...... Poseidon" He said finally. Virgo laughed. "Hey, so is Cancer. Mine's Athena." She said. Cue the awkward silence, expect this time they were staring into each other's eyes, smiling. Pisces and Cancer from the table across from them, were watching this entire thing. "God, there so perfect for each other, what is taking them so long!" Cancer said, squeezing Pisces's hand in hers. Pisces smiled and squeezed Cancer's back. "Taurus is just nervous, I bet. But seriously, the way they look at each other is so romantic it's almost funny. Cancer nodded, and the two water signs sat in comfortable silence, watching their friends struggle to flirt. 

"Who's your favourite character?" Virgo finally broke the silence again. Cancer groaned from the other table."  "Leave it to Virgo and Taurus to flirt about book characters." She said. Pisces grinned. "hey, let the nerds be. It seems to be working fine." "I know pretty much everyone says this, but I've always loved Percy." Taurus  said. Virgo nodded. "It's honestly pretty obvious, but I've always been an Annabeth fan." she said.  "Now's when the awkward silence happens." Pisces whispered to Cancer, causing her to crack up. " And he was right, except this time the silence was broken, because their food came. As soon as Virgo saw Taurus's food, she burst out laughing. "Taurus, why in the world did you order blueberry pancakes for supper?" She asked, looking down at her own Garden Salad. He shrugged, grabbing the syrup. "Every time is pancake time." Taurus tipped the syrup down onto his pancakes. "You're drowning them!" She said, trying to stop herself from cracking up because of her clever Percy Jackson reference. Taurus immediately understood what she was doing. "Hey, I'm a Poseidon kid. I can't drown, and neither can my pancakes." He said. 

Then came the moment Cancer and Pisces had been waiting for the entire time. "Virgo. I've enjoyed this so much. Even when we looked like we were four year olds trying to be sherlock holmes for halloween. " Taurus said, taking her hand. "So I wanted to ask.........will you be Annabeth to my Percy?" He asked. Virgo just looked at him. "What do you think, Seaweed Brain? Of course!" Virgo leaned over the small table, and then finally the two Earth Signs had their moment, wrapped in each other's arms, and shared a quick kiss. "YES!" Pisces and Cancer said simultaneously, before grabbing each other and making out as well. Ah, love was in the air. A certain someone watched the three dates, laughing to themselves. These Zodiacs better not get used to being so happy. Because all that love was going to come crashing down like a waterfall. 

I hope you liked the chapter! (sorry for all the Percy Jackson and HoO references. I'm too much of a Percabeth shipper to ignore this perfect opportunity!) I also apologize for all the romance. Don't worry, the blood and gore is coming soon! I cringed to myself writing this chapter, I've never been good at all these lovey-dovey scenes. But I tried. On a much darker note, I've been planning the deaths. So far, there's been no one commenting (This is not me telling you to comment, I can't make you do anything) about who they want to be killed or saved. I assume that means your letting me decide, but then you can't get mad when I kill someone you like! Mwahaha, prepare for suffering, Zodiacs! 

Toodles, and happy whatever day it is! 

-Charlotte (HesterGranger) 

P.S - would you be interested in seeing what I imagine the character to look like? I can see if I can find a close  enough photo on pinterest, if you want.

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