Chapter 14- Individual talents class

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In Sagittarius's  classroom, the poor Miss. Cassiopeia was trying her very best to stay as still as possible, seeing as her young charge was aiming for the bullseye directly beside her neck. Why oh why did she want to teach the zodiac Sagittarius to not miss a shot? Because if he did, it would sure as hell be her last teaching job. Ching! Another arrow narrowly missed her throat, and Cassiopeia sighed. It was going to be a long hour. "How was that, Ma'am?" He asked, lowering the bow. She swallowed. "Excellent. Now, why don't you try to shatter that mirror? Yes, that one, on the other side of the room!" Sag nodded. 

Meanwhile, in Cancer's, power was proving hard to practice. "What do you mean, I can't stab myself in the stomach? How else am I supposed to practice this power?" Cancer's argument sounded pretty stupid, she admitted it to herself, the whole stabbing yourself thing, but seriously, it was the only way to practice. Mr. Dipper, her teacher,  sighed. "Fine, but if this doesn't work I'd better hope your healing friend is working hard, because you will need it if you don't get your power right away." Cancer nodded happily, and without stopping to think about it, she plunged the knife into her gut. 

The healing friend, was indeed working hard. Virgo's teacher, Ms. Major, had purposely scraped her arm, stabbed herself in the leg, and broke several bones for the earth sign to fix. "Do you want to try healing someone who's got hit in the eye with a frying pan? Mr. Orion says he's being really annoying, and can't concentrate on his task." Virgo rolled her eyes, knowing full well who that someone was. 

That someone was Leo, who  narrowed his eyes in concentration, trying to talk to a  blackbird and ask it to  find an anti bruising cream to apply on his black eye. "I don't think this bird likes me much. All I hear is squawk! Squawk!" His teacher, Mr. Orion, barely hid a smirk. "Leo, I think that the bird isn't responding to you because he can tell you don't actually believe he talks. Look, watch." Orion kneeled down in front of the bird and the two of them had a very long (And very annoying) Conversation in bird. "Alright, alright, no need to rub it in. What do you want me to do?"

"Alright, Virgo's on her way to Leo's classroom to fix his eye, I think. She's thinking about how Aries is like Rapuenzel with the frying pan" Capricorn's eyes were squeezed shut, trying to use her POV powers. "Leo just sent a blackbird to find Aqua, and he's thinking about how he wants to ki- Um, I'm not going to continue that sentence. Cancer just- STABBED HERSELF IN THE STOMACH and is thinking about how it doesn't hurt at all, wow. And Sag is completely focused on his arrows. He's trying to break something, I think? And Taurus? He's....... IN ITALY EATING SPAGETTI? "

Sorry, short chapter. School been super stressful lately. Luv y'all and comment for everything, even if you just want to chat or shit. I promise I will respond. 


-Charlotte (HesterGranger54) 

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