Chapter 23- Laser Tag

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Aries POV

I'm so excited! After the Leo and Aquarius Fiasco was settled, we actually made it to the laser tag place.  "Alright, what are the teams gonna be? Water and Earth versus Fire and Air?" Virgo looked exhausted, but I could tell she was trying to get into the spirit of things and have some fun. "Um, no, no way I'm going against the three musketeers. I say girls vs boys!" Gemini declared, and I nodded my agreement. Being on the same team with all the other girls would almost guarantee our victory.  Everyone nodded, and we stepped into the building, which was lit up with neon lights, and looked really cool. We each grabbed a gun. "Alright, will this be a team game or every man  or woman for themselves?" The man running the thing asked. "Team. Girls versus boys." "Alright. Girls, grab the blue guns and the blue arm and neckbands. Boys, the reds." Everyone obeyed, and the man grinned. "Go ahead. Its all yours." "Alright. Girls, lets go in there first so we have time to get into some hiding places. You guys can start next round. Boys, count to sixty and then come in. Alright, three, two, one, go!" Capricorn said. We all sprinted into the room, which had many hiding places and ridges in which to hide. Me, Libra and Gemini split apart from Virgo Capricorn and Cancer, and we found a super good spot where we could keep an eye on the boys, and also stick our guns through holes so we could shot them but they couldn't shot us. 

Suddenly, I heard an eruption of giggles that sounded like Cancer. From what I heard, she tripped over something and flopped onto her butt. "SHUT UP AND HIDE ALREADY!" I yelled. Libra slapped my arm, and I heard silence from their neck of the woods. Silence. Silence. And then the sound of six boys crashing into the room. a loud boy, with a high pitched voice, who kept tripping, whom I was assuming was Sag, an enthusatic boy who, for some reason, kept singing, (Leo) And one who was scolding Sag, and telling him to be quieter, which much be Scorpio. Gemini stiffenened, and positioned  her gun ready to shoot. We couldn't see them, so we did need to move our heads a little bit. I got my gun ready, pointing it at Sag's head. When he ambled forward another step, I fired the gun. 

"QWHAT? NO I WAS SHOT! SCORP, GIRLS THAT WAY. COME ON, get tHem!" I smirked at Libra and mouthed They need to get together already. All three of us sprung up and began firing at the boys. (I didn't get hit once, and I'm pretty sure I hit Leo at least fifteen times. We were having a great time, when the boys finally gave up and ran away. We were in the process of chasing them when I heard a high pitched scream coming from Cancer's direction. I figured it was a scream because the remaining three boys had caught them off guard. I thought that until I heard someone who sounded like Taurus yell "HELP! OVER HERE!" I exchanged a glance with Libra, and then looked at Gemini. In unison we sprinted towards the source of the sound. When we got there we saw Cancer, face screwed up in pain, and bleeding from the place that her neckband woudl have been. "What the fuck happened? how can Laser Tag be deadly?" Capricorn sent a withering glare at Taurus. "ask him. We need to get the hell out of here, but Taurus can't lift her to teleport. Ari, can you lift her and hold on to Taurus's hand, and also Virgo's? She needs medical attention, but we also can't let this guy here know anything about the prophecy"  I nodded, and scooped Cancer up. I grabbed Taurus's hand roughly, and Virgo grabbed onto her boyfriend. right before  Taurus teleported , I felt someone else latch onto my waist. 

It took Taurus some time to return, probably because of the amount of people he had to transport. I begged Taurus or Virgo to tell me what had happened, but both earth signs kept their mouths shut. I turned to Libra (Turns out she was the one that tagged along- not sure why. but it was nice to have her there) "Do you know anything about this?" She shook her head. "No. But it's chilling. First,  Gem. Then Leo and Aqua. Now Cancer.  In the span of a week, they've all almost died. I thought it was a coincedence, since its still so far from halloween, but what if it's not? I think it's time to dig deeper into this propechy thing. We need to stop these people before anyone actually dies." She was right. And it was terrifying. 

And thats the end! What do you think happened to Cancer? And just so you know, we are reaching the end of this story- probs like five more. Love y'all!


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