Chapter 23- Deadly Detention! Hooray!

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Leo POV 

Who knew? A sax makes a pretty great weapon sometimes. However, our actions didn't go without consequences (Jeez, Ophiuchus is a bore. Couldn't she tell that Hydra deserved it?) Anyways, Me and Aqua got detention for a week. Sag and Cancer got yelled at, because after we totally destroyed her with our instruments, they happened to be there when the teacher came, both of them laughing their heads off. Hydra, Vi and Cappy got off clean, since Hydra was "The Victim" in the situation, and since the earth sign girls had perfect records, and had managed to talk their way out of punishment. 

So ya. Back to the detention part. "Alright. Mr. Bearer, Mr. Lionel. Come with me. Today, for your detention, I'm going to have you writing lines." Professor Ophiuchus droned on. I rolled my eyes at Aqua, who smirked. I'm pretty sure its his first time in detention, like, ever. However, we didn't say anything, since I, personally, wanted to get my butt out of there as fast as possible. Why? Because it was the last day of Virgo season, and therefore, Vi's birthday! (Yes, I know it is currently Cancer season. For the purposes of this book, the day is September 22) We were going to play laser tag (girls vs. boys, obviously) and I wouldn't miss that for the world. So I was going to write my hand off. Once Ophiuchus told us what to write- I will not assault other students, one hundred times, I took off writing, making it to fifteen repetitions before hearing Aqua coughing beside me. I glanced at him. "Aquari- Fairy, you good?" I asked. He nodded, but I wasn't convinced, as he began coughing again a second later. I looked at him strangely, but for some reason, I began coughing a second later too.  A sudden headache flared into my brain, and I clutched at my head, starting to feel dizzy. Aqua looked like he was experiencing the same thing, but I only knew something was seriously wrong when an alarm went off.

 I tried to step out of my chair to get outside, but I fell flat on my face, unable to move. The last thing I saw before everything faded was a tall girl with long, dark hair sprinting towards us. But my hearing lasted longer than anything else. The girl must have gotten closer, because I heard her whisper- "You can't die. Come on, please. I don't want to live without you, even though you'll never know." Even though I was close to unconcious, I was confused. The girl was too tall, and her hair wasn't purple, so it couldn't be Gemini. The last thing I remeber thinking was that she might be talking to Aqua, and then darkness won, and I drifted away. 

I woke up in my bed, with a terrified looking girl looming over me, her golden blonde hair in a messy bun, and her soft green eyes seperated with a massive stress wrinkle.  Virgo took a massive sigh of relief when I opened my eyes. "Oh, thank god. How are you feeling?" she asked. I shrugged. "Fine. but I'm really confused. What happened? and Wheres Aqua? and who saved us? And what time is it?" Virgo collasped onto the ottoman beside my bed, blowing a strand of hair off of her face. "I don't know." she admitted. "Capricorn was joking about how grumpy you must be in detention, so she read your Pov, and then rushed over. she only managed to get you out because she called Aries, who went all Super Strength on you. Aqua woke up a little bit before you did. And it is four ten." I took all this information in. Did that mean....... Capricorn had been talking to Aqua? He would be delighted if he knew. I bounced out of bed eagerly.  "Wait, that means we haven't missed your laser tag yet! Can I go?" Virgo shrugged. "You inhaled a lot of whatever that stuff in the air was. I took a sample to see, but Taurus says that he'll need Aqua's and Scorpio's  help figuring out what it is. It really depends how you are feeling. I've never seen this before. I tried my best to fix it, but it wasn't like normal injuries. The best I could do was some normal medical stuff and hope for the best." 

"I feel fine!" I jumped to my feet and fought to regain balance. I didn't want Virgo's birthday to be ruined by my almost dying. "Hey, be carefull. The rest of the zodiacs are out there, and several of them are quite mad at me for not letting them come in. I suspect you'll be bombarded with questions." Virgo warned, though she was smiling. I nodded, and flung open the door. Gemini noticed me first, flinging her arms around me, and refusing to let go. Sag began bouncing up and down, smiling. "I was beginning to worry about you, Lee." Aries began screaming at me. "YOU LITTLE IDIOT! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED I WAS? YOU COULD HAVE DIED! BEING ALONE ISN'T SAFE!" and the rest of them just began babbling about how happy they were that I was okay and whatnot. Yes, it was touching and sweet, but all I wanted to do was play laser tag. So I lifted my arms grandly and annoucned: "TO THE JEEP!" Everyone laughed, and I noticed some people sighing in relief that I was okay (Pisces, Sag, Lib, Cancer, Taur, and, surprisingly, Scorpio.) We traisped into the jeep, and I tried my best to remain calm and joke with Sag as he drove. But there was a pit in my stomach. Was is an accident? maybe. But the prophecy's words came rushing back, and I couldn't help but think how perfect it was: Two of the zodiacs alone in a room with no supervision. A great way to get rid of two threats. So if it hadn't been an accident....what was it? no, the better question is




...who was it? 

Yes, that's the chapter. Just want to apologize, it's been almost a MONTH since I published a real chapter! So i made it up to you and wrote a nice long one. Also, I wanted to give you a hint about the deaths thing mbobber. There will be four. I have decided on three of them. There will be one from each element. (In case you care, I can't decide which water sign to kill :p) If you have any suggestions, or if you want to save anybody (No guarentees unless it is a water sign.) Feel free to comment. Byeeeeee!

Charlotte (Charstar) 

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