Chapter 6- The mall

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Scorpio POV

I don't like shopping. But hey, everyone was going, and I didn't want to be alone. Right before we finally went to sleep last night, Leo dropped the bomb that he had booked a massive pool for us, and that we could have a pool party, and we all needed to buy bathing suits. Goody. "Scorpio, you coming?" Virgo called. "Yes, fine. Just preparing myself for this." I grumbled, grabbing my wallet. Yes, I was buying a bathing suit as well. Virgo laughed, and I followed her as she walked out of the school. Sagittarius is, apparently, the only one of us who has a car, which I find a little concerning. Also, his car is a bright purple jeep. Virgo climbed into the back row (There were three rows of three, and two rows of two) With her friends Cancer and Capricorn. I looked around the car and saw that the only seat left was the passenger seat, next to Sagittarius himself. I sighed, and opened the car door. The second, and I mean the second my butt hit the seat, Sagittarius floored the gas pedal, and we were off. "SHIT!" Aries yelled from the second row behind us, clearly not ready for the fast acceleration.

Sag laughed. "I'm an awesome driver, hey? " "No, weirdo, you're really not." Aries snapped back. In response, he cranked the music up super loud. Let me just say, his music taste really suits him, but I was not ready for it. Rage against the machine's song "Killing in the name of" Blasted. "FUCK YOU!" Aries screamed, kicking Sagi's seat. I laughed too. "Come on, you guys. Be good." Virgo called from the very back of the car. "Next Time, I'm sitting up there with you." "Aww, Mom. I promise I'll behave." Sagittarius whined. I couldn't see Virgo, but I know she was rolling her eyes. "fine. We're here, though, so park." Sagittarius nodded, and the purple jeep rolled into a parking lot surprisingly smoothly. The twelve of us walked into the mall with varying degrees of enthusiasm. Gemini, Virgo, Cancer and Capricorn were at the front of the pack, looking pumped. Libra, Leo, Aries and Sagittarius were just behind them. Then came Pisces, Taurus, Aquarius and I. "I don't really even know what size I am in bathing suits." Taurus admitted. "I would much rather being reading or playing soccer or something." I nodded. "Me neither." "hey, It's okay, I do competitive swimming, and I'm a size thirty. Taurus, I bet your probably an 35, Scorpio, start with a 32. Aquarius, try a thirty as well." We nodded, and followed the girls into this one really huge swimming suit store. Wow, I don't think I've seen a brighter place in my life. Thankfully, Pisces led us up to this row of swimming shorts in neutral shades of black, green, navy blue, and for some reason, one neon pink. I rifled through the row until I found a black sized 32. "Hey, Pisces, do you think this would fit me?" I called. He came over to look. "Ya, that's perfect." He said, holding a similar pair, except in a cool shade of teal. Taurus, Aquarius and Sagittarius followed behind us, respectively holding green swim shorts, navy blue, and.... The neon pink ones? "Sagittarius, what is that?" I asked. He grinned. "What, these? These are my awesome shorts. Do you like them?" I rolled my eyes. "Not really, but, hey, at least we won't lose you."

He grinned again,and we walked up to the section where Libra, Gemini, Virgo, Cancer, Capricorn and Aries were. No, I don't know where Leo is. They seemed to be waiting on Gemini and Libra, because Things one, two and three were carrying bathing suits already: Capricorn a tie-up black bikini with gold highlights that was simple yet really pretty, Cancer a pale teal one piece with a really cool open back and a zipper up front, Virgo a white long sleeved bikini with a slit in the stomach, and Aries a cute red one piece with a ruffle front.  "Hey, guys." Sagittarius said, waving his shorts in the air. Gemini looked up, and her eyes widened. "Please tell m-" "Yup! These are my shorts!" Gemini rolled her eyes, but continued looking. Libra walked up to Virgo with a simple lavender one piece, and asked. "Hey, do you like it?" Virgo nodded. "Wow, that's going to look wonderful on you, Libra." She said softly. Libra nodded in thanks. Finally, Finally, Gemini chose a super skimpy pale pink bikini with a tie up back. "Hey, Do you guys know where Leo is?" I asked. Gemini nodded. "Oh, he already has a suit. He's at the food court, let's go pay, then meet him. "okay." I said.

@Mr_Space_Wanderer,  @marianasp02, and @Alondra_xoxo09 for either voting for this story or following me! Greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading and as always, you could be the first to comment any ships or otherwise. Byee!!

- Charlotte (HesterGranger) 

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