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It has been 2 years and I never once called them or leave a text to at least know how they are doing but I hope they are doing well. The agony never stops as the pain in my heart grows whenever I think about them. The feeling of guilt never left ever since I discovered his feelings for me and how others threw their words not knowing what had happened that night or how I felt standing alone feeling helpless with no one on my side. I should have made it clear, at least stating something instead of walking away from them.

It feels empty inside, knowing I wouldn't stand a chance with him after all that has ever happened. I wish it was just a dream, a nightmare that vanishes away so that I could go back to how I used to be with them. The more I distance myself, the more I crave his warmth, his scent, his voice. The memories we had together were killing me from deep inside my heart. This intense feeling of wanting him so badly in my arms KILLS ME every day. But again, it ended when he threw his words at me without giving me a chance to explain the situation. That made me furious and I decided to walk away from him. Now, I can only live in the memories to keep myself going because it is the only thing that keeps me going.

As the thoughts went on in my head, my phone rang which was on the side table connected to the charger. I stretched out my hand to grab my phone and Riaz's name appeared on my screen. I swiped the green call icon up to answer her call.

 I swiped the green call icon up to answer her call

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Riaz: Hey bestie, you comin' for the graduation?

Renee: Hey Riaz, of course, I am, It's your big day girl. I would never miss it. BTW, is your boyfriend coming?

Riaz: Informed. I wish he could join the ceremony but I doubt if he could ever make it on time since he flew back and forth because of his work.

Renee: Hey, don't worry about it. I'm sure he'll make it.

Riaz: Mhm... I hope so too. How are you...? How's the work..? 

Renee: Emotionally still surviving, physically I'm doing well although work's tough because I love my job.

Riaz: Girl, you should take a break. Have you decided about going back home? You need to get over with what happened in the past and move on to live your life babe, you know people change over time, and I'm pretty sure they miss you. They are not going to hate you, give them another chance cause they really need it.

Renee: I haven't thought about it yet Ri, and I can't be sure that they won't but that's not what I worry about. It's going to be awkward if I land over there and surprise them with my unwelcome presence. I don't want to create another reason to be awkward that brings me back the guilt all over again. It's already killing me Ri... (sighs)

Riaz: I understand babe, take your time but not for too long because eventually, you'll have to face your fears. I hope everything settles down for you, like for real. I don't want you to sulk over something you didn't do. I do care about you Renee, so come over to my place if you feel alone, or buzz me if you needed someone to talk to.

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