Chapter 2: MET AGAIN

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Upon reaching the location, my eyes scanned around to see if Mr

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Upon reaching the location, my eyes scanned around to see if Mr. Jim was already there. But surprisingly the cafe was empty except for the tall thin guy with a white cap in a red t-shirt in front of the counter arranging the mugs on the shelf as it just opened.

"Am I early"? I asked myself looking at my wristwatch as it shows sharp 11. I took out my phone to give him a call. "Hmm, recent calls.. and.. where's his name?? Oh, I didn't save it, my bad"(giggle) "It's ringing". I placed the phone on my ear and I heard the ringing sound nearing me from the back. (Turns around)

At this moment, my breath stopped and I could hear my own heart thumping louder. My loose hair sways as the wind hit past me. A familiar face stood right in front of me leaving me in shock and I was startled. I wasn't sure if I'm happy, surprised, or worried. My eyes widen a little due to shock, and I moved a little backward as he sets his eyes right on mine.

 My eyes widen a little due to shock, and I moved a little backward as he sets his eyes right on mine

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Jimin: Hmm... somehow your look says that you don't seem to be happy to see me after cutting ties for 2 years straight.

Renee: I'm... I'm ..(stutters) 

He looks... different, his looks have changed. He's got taller and his body was sculpted which made him look more attractive. His lips were plumped and got more pinkish as he smile at me. He was... sexy. My stupid heart was beating fast and I had no idea why I felt so attracted to him because I have never felt like this toward him before. My eyes were roaming up and down at him as I stood speechless because of the way he made me feel even after what he's done to me. Oddly, I don't feel angry at him for what he did to me but his presence excites me so much that I wanted to hug him and scream out loud to him how much I missed him and the boys but I tried to remain calm and didn't react much as I controlled myself to the very best.

Jimin: You look... You're gorgeous... as ever, Renee. 

He said it with his lip bit in the corner and his left brow lifted up. His voice was manly and strangely seductive for no reason. What the hell is happening to me? Get hold of yourself, Renee!!! I told myself.

Renee: How... did you...?

Jimin: Please, let's sit first.

He pulled the chair out and waited for me to take a seat. He then sat across me with his leg crossed, his elbow on the round table, and holding his chin with his right hand as his fingers touched his plumped pink lips. His eyes turn crescent as he grins at me which made me feel totally awkward because his eye smile is so cute that it makes me want to melt.

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