Chapter 6: THE REASON

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Renee: hey...bear... I'm feeling a bit dizzy... I don't feel good after the soju and the cake mixed in. It makes my stomach feel sick. I'll go in first.

I said while rubbing my stomach in a circular motion it feels gassy inside because I could hear it making grumbling noise while Tae places his left hand on my back rubbing it up and down to make me feel better.

Tae: Do you want me to bring some medicine baby..? Well, I could buy you something to sober you up first so that you can take your medicine. Jin might have it at home. 

Renee: I'm not drunk bear... I think I'm sleep deprived since I was all awake editing the manuscript for the internship. A good sleep would make me feel better.

Tae: Alright then... I'm staying with the boys here, give me a call if you need anything. Is that okay? 

Renee: Ya sure.. stay safe and don't get too drunk.

He then pulled me into his arms and gave me a peck on my forehead and I responded with a kiss on his lips. He then smiled and turn away around and walks to the campfire while I started to walk back home. 

As I reached the door the security at the entrance wished me happy birthday while handing me a small box wrapped in red wrapping paper covered with "I love you" words on it. Everywhere. I took it and smiled at him knowing its a gift from Tae. I went inside looking at the box and trying to unwrap and I heard someone yell " watch out !!!!". Too late I slipped and fell on the wet floor landing with my butt too hard and got my ankle sprained. I sat down still with my eyes closed tightly massaging my ankle but the pain was still there. The housekeeper came in running to give me a hand as she saw me struggling to get up on myself. 

She walked me to the room and I sat down at the edge of the bed saying I'm alright because she looked worried. After she left the room, I leaned back on the bed and let out a deep breath as the pain was fading a little.

The box was still in my hand so I unwrapped it and it was a multi-layered necklace. A small smile appears at the corner of my mouth thinking how beautiful it looks. I limped to the mirror; undone the pin and wear it around my neck. It looks beautiful as I pat the pendant with my index finger and adjust it on my neck trying to admire how amazing it looks on me since it was Bear who bought it for me. He knows me better than anyone because he knew I have been saving up to buy the Swarovski multi-layered necklace. 

Jimin: it's perfect on you

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Jimin: it's perfect on you.

 A voice coming from the back startled me and I turned to look who is that and got my ankle bumped into the chair. With the intense pain I shrieked as I dropped myself to the floor and started to rub my ankle up and down. Jimin dashed towards me after seeing me on the floor and he holds my foot placing it on his lap as he sat down in front of me. 

Jimin: Ren... Ren look at me... are you alright? he asked with his eyebrows furrowed, looking concerned and his face turned red as if he was angry.

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