Chapter 18: MY SAFE PLACE

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I took the bus to my work place just like any other days

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I took the bus to my work place just like any other days. Jimin wouldn't have left me alone but he was still sleeping when I woke up and I didn't want to disturb him so I left the house leaving a note on the table. As I reach the place, the usual annoying woman was standing at the entrance with a coffee in her hand talking to someone who's definitely not working in our company because I've never seen him before. I speed up my pace when I saw her talking to that man thinking I could avoid her but she calls my name as I tried to walk pass her.

Kate: Good morning Renee, you're on time today. she grins sarcastically.

Renee: Morning Ms Kate, huh it's a different bus driver today.

Kate: Oh, meet Mr. Lawrence, the new chief editor. Sorry, the soon to be new chief editor. 

Renee: Chief editor..?

Kate: Yes, he'll be the one to take after your job, the new recruit.  Our chairman personally recruited him just a few minutes ago. I guess he now understand that you're not worth our time anymore. she smirks.

She walks in nodding at Lawrence who was still standing right in front of me with no clue what's going on. The day just started and I can already see how it's going to go.

Lawrence: Hi, I'm not sure what's going on and I really had no idea that I'd be taking your job. I'm so sorry I didn't mean to..

Renee: It's not your fault Mr. Lawrence, this company has a lot of dark things going all around from top to bottom, too much of politics here and there, every corners. I am going to resign soon and I guess they wants me to hand over the responsibilities. We'll see tomorrow, I've a lot of things to hand over to you hopefully you can do better than I did.

Lawrence: But you're the well know editor in LA and I'm pretty sure most of the companies wants you to work with them so why are they trying to replace you..?

Renee: Like I said, politics. You'll know when you start working here. I'll see tomorrow. 

I walk in after gesturing Lawrence a wave and the staff at the front desk calls my name.

Staff: Ms Renee, the chairman wants to see you.

Renee: sure.

Renee: sure

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