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Upon reaching at Incheon airport, a black MPV tinted black drove right towards us as we stepped out from the airport entrance and it took us straight to Jin's place

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Upon reaching at Incheon airport, a black MPV tinted black drove right towards us as we stepped out from the airport entrance and it took us straight to Jin's place. While I was in the car a lot of things were running in my head. My body was heated although the air condition worked fine.

Jimin saw that I was nervous, so he hold my hand tapping it with his other hand. We reach the place in about 20 to 25 minutes and the place, the house, the garden, it looks the same even after 2 years. I took a step out slowly bending forward; the fresh air of Seoul made me felt like at home as my hair danced to the rhythm of the wind that passes me.

I lend a hand for Jimin to bring the luggage in and he smile while holding my hand as we walked together. He rings the bell and Namjoon opens the door. As soon as he saw me he pulled me into an embrace and hugged me tightly as I could feel his breath at the side of my neck. He was so tall that I was struggling to place my chin on his shoulder but I  managed to hug him by raising my heels and weighing on the balls of the feet. 

Namjoon: Ren

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Namjoon: Ren...!! you're back... !!! It's so good to see you again..!!! (he shouts excitedly while still hugging me) I thought we wouldn't see you anymore.. thank you for coming back... (he lets go)

I just smiled after a nod and went in as Namjoon holds the door for me. 

Renee: where is everyone..? I asked excitedly asked hoping to see everyone but there wasn't anyone.

Namjoon: Jungkook, and Ho-Seok went to the stores to buy groceries as they wanted to cook you a meal for dinner; Yoongi and Jin are cleaning the room for you while Tae..uhm..he uh.. went out.

Renee: cleaning the room..? they never do that. I chuckle.

I walk up the stairs and tiptoe to the room at the end of the hallway but Jimin calls out my name really loud which ruins my surprise for Yoongi and Jin. I turn around and gave Jimin an arch-up look and he whispers "Sorrrryyy". Just then I heard footsteps running towards me and I turn around then the next minute I'm on the floor where Yoongi and Jin were both hugging me and we fell on the floor together.

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