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I saw Aera from distant as she was waving at us when we walk out of the car. Jimin did not utter a word even in the car and it was very awkward. We sat at the coffee shop where Aera was initially waiting for us. 

Aera: hey Renee, thanks for coming. She hugs me. 

Jimin: I'll go get some coffee for us. 

Renee: So what's the plan..?? 

Aera: well, I've got into a situation and I'm hoping you could help me... Will you...? She squinted her eyes and her brows lowers. 

Jimin: here you go ladies... He cuts in

Renee: Sure, what's that..? I'll try my best. 

Aera: The studio that I'm currently working for needs a singer to sing the song they have composed but the person who was supposed to sing is now unavailable for a month due to medical reasons and since it's short notice, I couldn't find a replacement in that specific duration. So I'm hoping you might help me with this. she pleads softly.

Renee: Help you as in like how..? Do you want me to find a replacement..? Well... Uhmm I don't have such media contacts though... Hehe... 

Jimin: Maybe you can do it

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Jimin: Maybe you can do it... You sing the song, how about that..? 

Aera: You read my mind baby. she gives a quick peck on his lips. I was expecting you to sing this song for me since you have experience in this field and it won't be difficult for you too. I'd confidently introduce you to the team at the studio. What do you say..? 

A peck ...really...? Why do I have to witness all this..? Are you happy to see me dying slowly, God..?  Now I'm pretty sure you are sitting on your throne with a box of popcorn. I mumbled to myself looking up at the sky.

Renee: Uhm, I think maybe I can help you with that.. I'll give it a go. I said it calmly trying not to react to the peck. 

She holds my hand and thank me repeatedly while Jimin was just sitting beside her drinking his iced coffee with a straw. After the talk, we both spent quality time together while Jimin was driving us here and there. We went to the amusement park and also to the mall for shopping. She bought herself a pair of shoes and I bought a few sweatshirts since I don't have much of it in my closet. It was almost 7 in the evening, we ate at a restaurant nearby after our shopping at the mall. This was the right time to ask about their relationship, so I took the chance when Jimin went to pay. 

Renee: So tell me Aera, what's your plan for you and Jimin..? I mean since now you both are together... I chuckled nervously.. like WTF!! why did I sound too desperate..? I facepalmed myself in my mind.

Aera: well, it's true that I liked him. But it was unexpected that he came straight to me and ask me out that day. I didn't really think I'd be his type but I think something caught his attention finally hahaha.

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